|Chapter Twenty-One|

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"Pet, what're you doing?"

The boy stayed silent, fixing his sleeves.

"You're taking forever, let's just get going already."

"I'm not going..."

"What did you say?" The man stepped closer, hoping to hear the boy better.

"I said I'm not going..." He repeated, allowing his hair to fall into his eyes.

"Why not?" The man frowned.

"It's not my scene..." The boy grimaced, finishing his sentence. "Baby..."

"Ok. You can stay here then." He assured. "Just don't invite anyone over."

"You know I wouldn't ever do that, baby..."

"I'll see you later, Zane." Ein left, leaving Zane all alone.

He groaned, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"This act is ridiculous..." He whispered, staring down at his big sweater and shorts. "I'm so sick of continuing it..."

He looked over at the staircase, missing the moments when he would see Travis come downstairs, ready to shower him in light kisses.

But that hadn't happened in what felt like forever. Zane teared up but wiped his eyes.

Now wasn't the time to cry like a baby. Now was the time to man up and figure out a way to sneak out and get back to his friends.

He knew he wasn't allowed to touch his friends, but at least he could be around them.

He began his planning, making sure that nothing would go wrong during this escape.

You're My Demon ~ Zanvis FFWhere stories live. Discover now