Chapter 2

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     "Emma! I have dinner done! Can you come downstairs please!"

     "I'll eat later!" My brother angered me more today than I can say.

     "Can you come downstairs so we can talk?"


     "You know I didn't mean what I said earlier, right? About you being the reason mom and dad died," Ben asked me why I came down the stairs

     "Yeah I know," I also added, teasing my brother, " And I also know I have a hot headed brother."

     "Only sometimes," Ben said in his teasing voice. "Come on, let's get food."

     "Come on boys. Stop playing with your knives so we can pray."

     "Mom, we are having so much fun though."

     "I can see that. But do you want to disappoint our goddess?"


     "Alright, let's pray."

     "Aren't we going to pray tonight? We do every other night."

     "No. Not tonight. I have realized that I have lost too much already to be thankful."

     "You have lost mom and dad. You still have me. And unlike me, you have your freedom."

     "You're right. But without mom and dad, I don't know how to protect you."

     "Cheer up. You of all people should know that we are going to be fine. After all, you have done a good job of protecting me since mom and dad left."

     "But how do you know? There have been reports of the guard searching houses for hidden girls or orphans. Probably looking for us. They strike randomly. We could be next. I would be risking losing you too."

     "Why didn't you tell me? We could have figured something. We still can!"

     "I didn't tell you because you're my younger sister. I didn't want to worry you."

     "You wouldn't have worried me. Let's eat quickly so we can find a hiding spot."


      "Susan get Emma and go hide! I will to protect you guys and keep these guards away!"

     My little sister heard the yelling and she is coming down the stairs. She looks so panicked.

     "Mommy, what is happening? Where is daddy?"

     "It's okay Emma. Daddy is talking to people."

     "Why was he yelling?"

     "Because your brother got in big trouble. It is okay though. Now, can you so me the hiding spot again?"

     "Yeah! I'll show you!"

     "Ben," my dad turns to me, "go with them. I want you to be safe as well."

     "Dad, I want to help you though."

     "If you do, they might try to take you. Go with your mom and sister."

     "But dad-"




     "Do you remember the hiding place you used to go to with mom?"

     "Yeah. Why?"

     "Would it be big enough for you to fit in?"

     "Maybe. It has been a long time since I was last there."

     "Go look. That may where you will have to hide."

     "Mom? Dad told me to come with you."

     "Alright. Come on. Hurry."

     Mom was never worried. At least, this worried.

     "What is going to happen mom?"

     "I don't know. Now, go huddle up with your sister."

     "Where are you going?"

     "I need to go get  something to calm your sister back to sleep."

     "Okay mom."

     "I can fit!"

     "Good. Can you get in and out quickly?"



     "Are you going to come with me? Or are you going to let yourself be taken?"

     "I have my own hiding place."

     "Oh. Okay."

     My brother zoned out again. When he came back, he started crying and ran off. Very few things can make my brother cry. I don't know what is happening when he zones out.

     "Ben? Where is mommy?"

     "I don't know Emma. Should I go look for her?"

     "No. Mommy said to stay here."

     "Your right. Be quiet. I think someone is coming."

      Emma became as still and as quiet as a rock.

     "No one else is here. What will we do if there are kids hiding outside?"

     "We will come back in a few years to see if the kids, if there are any, come back. Come on. Let's get out of here. I don't like the feel of this place."

      After a few seconds, I heard the front door slam.

     "Emma, stay here. I'll be right back."

     I went to my brother's room. He was in there. Sobbing. I knock on the door. It becomes a deathly quiet.

     "Emma? What do you need?"

     "I want to know what triggered you to cry. Maybe I can help you through it."

     "Alright. Come in here and close the door behind you."


     "You want to know what happened. I'll tell you. Only because it may help you in the future."

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