Chapter 7

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Dreams. Bad dreams and good dreams. There is one that I remember most was while I was drugged. There is a boy. He looked like he was just older than me. He was running away. He is running from something I don't know about. In the forest out of the forest. Over hills as well. He ran through a town about the size of the town I grew up in. Then I see the guards behind him. The boy runs faster now that the guards are behind him. The guards bring him down like they did to me. The boy rolls over so that I can see his face. At first I don't recognize him. Then I realize who it is: my brother.

It turns to darkness and the a bright light as I wake up. Startled, I don't realize where I am. Still in that hospital. Still with the guards. Still away from my brother. No one knows where he is. Still away from my freedom. I want to be back home. I want to think that this is only a bad dream like the one with my brother. But the constant pain in my shoulder tells me otherwise.

I try to sit up but something is resisting me from moving. The guard who was so nice to me earlier is holding me down. I don't know how to feel about this. At first I want to yell at him. But then I feel like he should explain to me why he is holding me down after he was so nice to me earlier.

"Why were you holding me down?"

"You were screaming and thrashing around. I didn't want you to fall and rip your shoulder again."

"What do you mean by again?"

"You fell once and you wound in your shoulder reopened. Just so you know, the captain wants to talk to you. He told me to get him when you woke up. So I will be going now."

The captain wants to talk to me. This can only mean two things. Either they found my brother or they want to ask me more questions.

It takes a few minutes for the captain to come in. When he does his usual grim look on his face isn't there. I don't know what he wants. But I have a feeling that it's not good.

"Leave us alone!" The captain shouts at the nice guard. He leaves immediately. "You finally woke up. Well let's get down to business, shall we?"

"Fine. What do you need to talk to me about?" Even though this person saved my life when everyone else wanted me dead, I can't help but be cruel towards him. That will never change.

"Okay. I thought I would let you know that your brother was found."

"What!" I exclaim, "Where is he?"

"He was brought down by some of the guards up north. Around the Northern Lake."

"You made a deal! His freedom for mine!"

"I am a man of my word. They let him go. After a few questions."

"Like what?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

"He was asked about what he was doing. He was asked about what happened when we took you and how he was set free. He was looking for you. It turns out he just... passed us," He makes a smile that looks like true evil.

I am stunned. The captain walks away from the small room. The dream I had was a glimpse of something that was happening. My brother is looking for me. He won't find me though. Not as long as I am here with these guards. Ben is going to get captured and there is nothing I can do to save him this time. I just have to hope everything is fine.

I start to cry just knowing I can't help my brother. The nice guard comes in. I start to feel like I'm being watched by the guards. They come in when I don't want them to.

"I would now be considered a traitor if the captain ever found out I was nice to you. Or if he found out I told you my name. It is worth a death sentence. Mainly because it breaks the code."

"You haven't told me your name," I snap at him, not meaning to.

"I haven't? Well I guess I'll just tell you now. My name is Cal."

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