Chapter 17

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We don't talk for the entire ride. We don't see the smoke again or who started the fire. There is no sign of people anywhere. I feel like Cal doesn't want to talk to me. And I don't blame him if he doesn't want to talk. I was prying, digging into his past. Digging to things personal to him that he wouldn't tell anyone else. He wants to be open with me. But I have things I can never tell anyone. Things that even Ben doesn't know. I still feel bad about asking something so personal. Cal has never asked anything so personal to me.

It is nearly dark before we stop. There was no sign of the smoke or any people. Just Hope, Cal, and I. I want to help Cal, but I don't know how.

"Hey Emma. Could you come help me really fast?"

"Sure Cal. What do you need?"

"Can you try to find some water for Hope? She has been going for a while with no breaks."

"Yeah. I'll be back."


I walk around our makeshift camp looking, and listening, for any sign of water. Everything is so dry. It looks like there has been no water for a few years. Or a fire has taken over the area. The closest thing to water that I find is a dried up river bed. The ground is dry as stone and cracked. I head back towards camp, slightly disappointed.

"Find anything?"

"Just a dry river bed."

"Okay. Well, should we just go to bed then? It is getting dark."

"Yeah. I think that is a good idea."

We both lay down across from each other. I try to sleep, but find it impossible. We have no fire, so I can't see Cal very well, but I can hear his breathing is slow and steady. The moon is bright and full enough to see shapes and silhouettes. And it feels like I can hear every creature running about. I decide to walk around a little bit. Just to tire myself out. I probably walk a few yards before I decide to head back to Cal.

"We've been tracking them for days," I go still as stone. "If we can't find them soon, who knows what he will do to us."

"I know. He has been very clear. Come on. We need to keep looking."

I hide behind the closest tree. The two people talking light a torch and walk of in the opposite direction of Cal and myself. I see the uniform of the guard.

As soon as the light from the flame vanishes, I run back to Cal. I shake him. He wakes up almost instantly, hand reaching for his sword.

"Emma! What's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping?" His hand drops to his leg when he knows it is just me.

"I found some of your friends. The guards I mean. They have been tracking us. For days they said," I say quickly with notable panic rising in my voice.

"Emma, calm down."

"I'm trying."

"Good. Now tell me what you heard."

"Not very much. But from what I did hear, it sounds like your uncle, the captain, is growing upset. It sounded like he was going to hurt people if we aren't found soon. I think that includes my brother," Cal's face grows somber.

"If that is the case, then we need to hurry and get your brother free. Before anything bad happens to him."

I feel the blood leave my face. I know I grow pale based on Cal's reaction. He comes over and tries to comfort me.

"We will find him. I promise you, we will find Ben. I won't let anything happen to him." It is a small comfort with that promise. I smell the pine from his body, and clothes, with him standing so close to me.

I fall asleep still clinging to Cal. It is a dreamless sleep, but a warm sleep. I know that Cal will never let anyone harm me.

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