Chapter 11

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The night never seems to end. The dream I have that night seems to go one forever. It is not a good dream either. It is like a nightmare. I feel like it was trying to warn me of something. Or more like someone.

I see the captain wake up. He sees the cut ropes on the ground and wakes up all the other guards. They all march into the forest.

The picture fades and I see two posters side by side. Wanted posters for Cal and I. I see myself in a disguise. Ben and Cal are there and are also in disguises. We are in a small but crowded village. There are guards everywhere.

The picture fades again. I see Ben. He is sitting by a fire near a different village. Guards come up behind him, but their weapons aren't drawn to attack. And the guards are smiling like the captain did when he shot me. Like they have found a way to get what they want. Ben looks oblivious to their plan. And it looks like a surprise attack. I try to yell but I feel like something is stopping me.

The picture fades once again. I see Cal. There is dirt on his face. His clothes are torn and his eyes are red like he has been crying. He looks like he has been working. I see myself. Tired, red, eyes. Torn clothes like Cal. Dirt is on my face and arms.

The picture fades one last time before I wake up. A family reunion. I can't tell who it is. I haven't met them, but I feel like I have. Cal is standing off to the side. He stands awkwardly. I call him over and a little girl come over and stands next to him. Ben is nowhere to be seen.

I wake up. I am no longer in the cave. But laying down by a stream in the forest. I see Ben but not Cal. He doesn't seem to notice I am awake. His face looks like he is worried. He turns towards the stream where Cal comes out of the woods. Even though I am awake I pretend to sleep. I shouldn't have faked it. Now I am half asleep and can't open my eyes right now.

"Has she woken up?" I hear Cal ask my brother.

"No, not yet. I am starting to get worried. It has been so long."

"I know. I don't know what happened. She fell asleep and hasn't woken up. I has been two days now. We need to keep moving. Come on."

I feel myself be lifted up and set back down on something hard. I start moving. I hear hooves. I think Cal and Ben found a horse. I don't know though. I fall back asleep. The dream I had before happens again. This time quicker. I am definitely being warned about something.

The next time I wake up it is night. Ben is asleep and Cal is scanning the forest. His sword within arms reach. I am by a small fire now instead of the stream. I sit up.

Cal reaches for his sword and turns around quickly. He nearly falls when he sees that I am awake. Cal puts the sword back on the ground and walks towards me slowly, as if he is afraid that it is only an illusion.


"It is me."

Cal practically runs to me. He sits down and gives me a hug. It doesn't feel normal. I hug him back and I feel as though I traveled back in time to the night mom and dad died. The night when Ben came to me, hugged me, and started to cry. Cal gets up. I wish he didn't. When he stands up, I am pulled back to reality. He runs over to Ben.

Ben wakes up. He turns around and sees me. Tears start building up behind his eyes. He looks relieved to see me. I don't know how long it has been but I can tell both of my companions are relieved to see me awake.

"Emma! Why were you asleep for so long? We tried to wake you up at the cave but you wouldn't wake. It has been three days since we left that cave!"

"I don't know why I wouldn't wake up. But I had a dream," Ben looks confused because he doesn't know about it. But Cal looks stunned and worried at the same time.

"What happened Emma?" Cal asks me.

"The captain went into the forest the opposite way of where we went. Then we were in a small village with guards everywhere. There were wanted posters you you and I Cal. The three of us were in disguises. We were in the forest at night when the guards showed up and then vanished. I saw you Cal. You had dirt on you face. Your eyes were red and your clothes were torn. And the same for me. We were at a family reunion. I only recognized myself and you Cal. There was a little girl around your legs though. Ben, I only saw you once. Standing by Cal and I at the wanted posters. But then, the dream repeated."

"Any idea of what it means?"

"My only guess is that it was trying to warn me about something."

"And that is a good guess."

"Could you explain what is so important about this dream?" Ben asks me.

"It allows me to see glimpses of the future. But that is all that I know about them."


"I think I should walk a little bit."

I go to stand up. Cal and Ben look at each other and seem a little worried.

"You should stay sitting. Or laying down. We don't want you to get injured if you have the same power as me."

"What are you talking about Cal?"

"Before I learned how to control my power, I had the dreams like you. Then I started have the glimpses during the day. I would fall and injure myself. We don't want that to happen to you."

"You told Ben about your powers Cal?"

"He did Emma. It is quite helpful. I don't know what you were thinking would happen but I like him more now that I know he has powers too. Cal, you sleep. I will keep watch."

"Okay Ben. Thanks."

Both Cal and I fall asleep in just a few minutes.

I don't sleep that well though. I open my eyes and guess that it is about three in the morning. I don't see Ben, but I can hear him. He is walking a short distance away. I start to stand up so I can walk to him. But something stops me from walking. It is like a invisible wall is right in front of me. I hear Ben start struggling. I hear a pained grunt and someone falls. I hear the soft thud as they hit the ground. Then I hear nothing but the beating of my heart and the sound of someone breathing heavily.

"He wouldn't have gone far from the girl. Should we go find her?" I don't recognize the voice. But it isn't Ben's.

"No. She will come to us or the boy will talk," I recognize that voice. The captain is standing less than twenty yards from me.

"Yes sir. Everyone, move out!" the footsteps slowly disappear.

I am so relieved at the moment. The guards left. They didn't find me. I don't realize what happened right at that moment. Then it dawns on me. I nearly scream and cry. I nearly fall onto my knees. Ben was captured.

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