Chapter 4

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I had dreams that night. Fire being controlled mostly. I awoke, terrified. I don't know how Ben stayed asleep through my freak out. Just a groan from his side of the bed. After a few minutes of me making sure it was just a dream, I fell back asleep.

We awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of pounding on the front door. I hoped- no, prayed- that it was only another of my nightmares. It wasn't and Ben and I started to panic.

"Emma. I can't tell but I think they are trying to get in."

"Do you think we should hide?"

"If they are already in the house that may be too risky."

"Well, we have to try. You can go downstairs and see if they are in or not."

"No. Let's just go quickly. If they are in here we will hear voices."

"Alright. Stay safe."

"You stay safe as well."

I just made it. I crawled into the crevice where I hid the night my parents died. I closed the small, safely concealed door behind me. Then the guard broke down the front door. I catch my breath. I don't know if they heard me or not. It is silent. I feel like they are listening for something, for anything to tell them I'm here. After what felt like an eternity the captain speaks.

"Follow and stick to the plan."

It was silent for a few minutes. Only the sound of doors opening then slamming shut. Then I heard it. My brother screamed. It was a scream of terror. They were taking him! I knew I was supposed to stay where I was, but I couldn't just let them take Ben. I ran out of my hiding spot.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I yelled. As soon as I yelled it, I regretted it. I made myself known.

"Well, look at this."

"Leave my brother alone!"

"We will let him go. But only if you come with us."

I panic. I don't know what to say to them. Risk my life or my brother's. I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"Fine," I say, "but only if you let my brother go free."

"Deal," It sounds like I am bartering my life for another. ANd in a way, I am.

My fate seems to be sealed. There is nothing I can do anymore.

It happened quickly. To quickly for me to change anything. Ben is freed and he runs out the door. The guard come towards me. Then darkness surrounds me.

I close the door throwing me and my 3 year old sister into darkness. I can't see anything, but my sister seems to be asleep. I hear my dad trying to get the guard to leave. Then I hear him startle and shout as if mom snuck up behind him and scared him. There is chuckling, but not from mom or dad. I hear a pained grunt. Then two. A laugh of evil and silence fills the house like nothing happened.

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