Date: Unknown, Time: He doesn't knows, Location: Somewhere

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"Can I remain by your side... forever"

My body stiffened like I was bandaged to be preserved by the Egyptians themselves. My mouth dried like the cracks of the Death Valley, my eyes couldn't see, my nose couldn't smell, my ears couldn't hear, I truly was trapped inside the cocoon of myself.

My eyes upon the introduction to the unfamiliar roof questioned why are you sleeping under the red ceiling?. The first movement of the neck with a crackling sound of the bones. The irises revolved in the captivity of the eyeball, examining the location. Clean was the word which came to mouth, light blue flowery wallpapers, marbled shiny tiles, chairs of reasonable quality, a proper system to check pulse, blood pressure and heartbeat, sharped operational utensils, was I in a luxurious or simply well-maintained hospital.

I focused on the hazy memories, but nothing came to mind. I tried to remember the last things I did, It was annoying that I just couldn't exactly tell what was I last doing. Where even was I, shaking my head.

I laid on the hard surface of the thin board like a bed, supported by the metal stands beneath. I see all the wires binding my upper torso, syringes, and bottle of labeled fluids situated neatly on the second tray.

Was I in an accident while being on a research mission?, logically that was the closest I came to such critical position that I was positioned in surgery lodge. An accident perhaps.

I placed my hand on the other which was affixed with a needle, slowly pulling the pointed phobia of many out of my flesh. The motion caused some soreness, but rest numbness, closing on to the torso, carefully removing the patches stick to the skin. Then I looked down, I was naked, that was weird at least they could have just dressed me in their typical dotted gowns.

Upon the movement of my joints and muscles, I understood that the parts were not used for while thus being rusty, I positioned myself into a sitting posture, wondering why no doctor or nurses were not coming to check up on me.

I stood on my legs, feeling a little dizzy, I wanted water to refresh my scratchy throat. With each step, I came closer to the desk, some paperwork or my documents along with a pen and jotted down notes.

No #522

The details underneath described my features, my name of relatives and their diseases that possibly could be in me were listed down on this paper and on the notepad, the test and its reactions were written, the feelings of unusualness strengthened with the desire of getting out.

Notes for physical pain test, notes for mental resistance, notes for so many things, but one test remained unwritten.

I had a shiver down my spine, was it the contact of colder air with my back or rather an actual feeling of fear. Where was I?

My mind was telling me to get out of there, the thought of barging down the door came to me immediately, I felt sick, the smell of something was unbearable.

I walked towards the large wooden door, trying to twist the golden orb, the door did not open, I peeked through space, pure murkiness, something blocked the path outside.

I look up knowing there should probably be a ventilation vent, another chance, another route to accessing what had happened to cause all this. I, for now, was correct, I checked that would I even fit through the metal frame. I determined the width, thinking only to instinct, I dragged the wooden table upon which the documents laid. I proceeded to climb on top of the table.

Closing up to the cover tightened with four pieces of the screw. My eyes darted on the pen near my heel, I lowered my body and with the shaky hands grabbed the thin cylinder, the question was that was the nib strong enough to unscrew the bolts. I pressed the pen against the slit of the screws, not with force but delicately I revolve the pen like a screwdriver, it seemed to work just fine, one by one the four screws tumbled down. It was my luck that the pen was made out of good material withstanding the pressure.

I put myself into the tube, my upper body ached as I exerted power on it to move further. The internal system expectedly covered in dust particles, but the smell which I loathed got intenser in the tight metallic restriction.

I crawled like a baby, ironic that I just was situated in the room of a hospital which I hoped it to be, but with every second passing, I came to the realisation that it was not much like a medical facility should be.

My hand squished against a moist object, blood, and a dead mouse. My breath got faster as I found myself disgusted from all of this, the suffocation grew. I moved my hands and feet swiftly as my back hit against the cold surface of the steel, I couldn't remain there, many thoughts just started to engrave, the darkest and most hideous scenarios that could occur or had occurred. Where were my friends, where was even I? the questions remained?

With all the momentum a loud thump as I fell down to the floor, but instead of hitting the hard surface, instead tasting the sweet impact of the tiles, I landed.

I landed in the source from where the horrific stentch emitted from.

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