Date: I Location: Cannot take it anymore

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I did not want to ignore her, I actually considered to save her, but at this point it was rationally pointless. She was in all cases a patient of schizophrenia after living in such a mess that I couldn't take risk. She could have raped, maybe even killed me, then raped me, I had no idea what could been the possibilities. But then a strange thought came across, what if she was right about it being impossible to get out of here and it was last of amusement I could have received, instead of dying. But in end it was just a senseless thought that came across, there was no way that would happen, its like I had any hope to get out of here, but there were better things to do if it was my last days alive. Maybe I get in contact with Maria, maybe even find a control room where I could try to communicate with who ever I could, or even come across something inquisitive.

The area around me had noticibly gotten narrower but also the most important area that of the who complex, the labs and offices of the researcher. I had made my mind that my grandfather was a researcher here, doing whatever he was told, legal or not. I couldn't speculate that was it his decision or not, to be honest his morals were not clear to me, even as a child I was confused at some points. He told me that life was worth living, to hold on to something even if the days were lightless as the darkest of skies, but even in those skies once in while brightest of stars shined. This wasn't anything that made him any better of a person but I admired him that he had such a strong desire to live, which he passed on to me and which I passed on to Maria. At one stage I was so done with everyone's blank stares and lack of words whenever they saw me that I decided that it was better that they did not have anyone that they could do look down to. I have no idea what my parent were guilty of but that was no reason to make me the victim of their actions, I was just a child that knew nothing about this world, but later on I found out why I my parents were despised and why I wasn't associated with, it was due to ethnicity of my mother, her being Ukrainian was the main reason and my father being in a polygamous relationship made it worse. In end my grandfather was the only one who made feel that I was wanted.

Now talking about his morals, I remember him being a individual who was responsible and hard working. But Katya's words about men taking advantage of her reminded me of strange events that occurred back at the apartment. Usually my grandfather told me that he had specific days when he was not to disturb otherwise he would lose all of the focus he had while working on something of importance. And I never mind it as these times were also during the time I would be away for school, but one day I came home early from school, I think I was sent home early due to some heating problems and as it was freezing cold, we would have shivered to death. So here I was back in the house, now it is cliche for such events to occur but I found my grandfather in his room having time of his life with two unknown women. Although I couldn't see much as the action was all over and they laid warmly under four layers of blanket and quilts. And this was not one off thing, I deliberately began coming back early from school on the assigned days and watched my grandfather every time with different chick, that was also the time I found out what sex was and how it everything worked. My grandfather might have noticed this but he never said a word about it and same was with me. So from all of this assume that his moral worth wasn't that high, but again I wasn't gonna assume all of his worth on these petty acts.

I was just around lost in my thoughts, when I heard someone whispering, it seemed that there were two people around the corner.

"Do you think they will send help, it has been more than 20 days" The voice shaky, it was purely filled with worry.

The other man sighed in response but his voice firmer and significantly deeper. "I contacted them, they are coming prepared... I don't know why don't you stay calm, we have stock that can last more than a year" I had some idea who was on the other side, the accent was from the capital, reminded of back home. My suspicions were now all confirmed that this project was no American conspiracy but a project that transcended the national boundaries.

"But, that monster, that monster has killed all of them, we have no troops left to defend us, on top of that the research has been on halt, and you tell me not be scared" The comments got more audible as more of the emotions filled the gap.

"Stay calm, 001 has ordered too stay put, we have no other choice but to play the waiting game" I knew the risk of standing here and eaves dropping was major, so I sneaked into the dark lab to take shelter for time being.

I listened to my brain instead of relying on my curiosity which actually paid off, the pair of men had started walking and came through the same hallway I was just standing in. It also confirmed my suspicion about who one of them was. It was our charming leader himself, Alexander the Great. Of course I was not furious, but thing tingling feeling grew, a feeling I couldn't identify actually. With him the man was bulky posterior, his face was unknown to me, so I assumed he was part of the team here.

They walked away, the fear of getting caught had gone but then a feeling of deja vu took over. It was like I was hiding in a dark room just like few hours ago. When I heard her voice, which calmed me down but also mad me think about how I perceived things. Was I really here just to satisfy my hunger for adventure, to discover what lied ahead, to search for the unknown here.

Then I realised something, I was not exactly in a lab, this was something which gave me some hope. A piece of major game changer laid in front of me.

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