Date: Unknown Current Location: I cannot find it

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My heart skipped a beat, not upon seeing another dead body, but staring at a shriveled skeleton. That was an exaggeration, but at some extent was true. The bones pointed out, begging to be revealed under the pale skin. The rib cage prominently exposed, you could have played the xylophone on it. But that was not the most saddening part but that the person was the chick boy and he was on the brink of death. He was in a transition between the world of living and dead. I lowered myself to observe his blank eyes, which stared toward the endless hallway. He was not exactly lying but leaning against the wall, the place where his soul would ascend.

"To be honest I did not you for much long and indeed I will not moan for your death, but at least I can say that you gave me respect and I am grateful for that, Thank you"

I knew these words wouldn't reach him but I just wanted to speak, say something, maybe I longed to hear a human voice. But in end I just heard myself. There was no feeling of disgust from all this, but sadness started to weigh me down. I don't know why he died in here, maybe he tried to hide from the horrors of outside, did the elevator got stuck or he just want to be left alone. I clenched my fists as hard as I could and then lightly jabbed the button to get to the next floor. The elevator in matter of moments took me to my destination, the doors opened again opened painfully slow.

"Rest in Peace Mr..." And with that I carefully lowered his eyelids, so no one else had see the despair in his eyes.

With this I left the elevator and the body to perish behind me.

Upon stepping, I notice the change in surrounding immediately. The area was openly spaced, the ceiling was noticibly higher. The disturbing part was that it seemed so clean compared to the floor above that, it felt like nothing had happened here.

But then it wasn't long until I begin yo hear sounds, a mixture of inhuman and human voices. I understood that I wasn't alone and my wish for hearing anything other than silence had been granted but in a strange manner.

I glanced towards the small cells, the door had a bar opening through which eyes peered me.

I was more curious than afaird, to see who was put here as captives. Were these people sane any longer? I took short steps toward one side and as a result the voices grew, audible and then louder. The words which I could make out from the painful orchestra was.

"I want my life... in two..." This one of the common chants among the group of people, I had no idea what they meant by it. It could been interpreted in many ways.

"Why are you still here, move!" The person yelled, hitting his head against the door, I quickly paced to next door, but the voice still present had no sign of damping down. "Why don't you get out of me"

It wasn't an unpleasant experience as it should've been but I slightly enjoyed the plethora of different voice which bounced of me, I said no words but these people had a lot to say. Obviously I wouldn't risk myself by opening them up, it would been idiotic to take such an action of sympathy. Even if there were people who had some sanity left, oh wait scratch that thought.

Through the barrier of noise and my own thoughts, something peculiar reached out to me, another familiar voice. It was fascinating that how human ear could pick up specific frequencies out of such mess, but more amazing the fact to me was that familiarity that I assigned to voices was more dominant in sense that once you come across so many unknown voices without hearing anyone you know for a while, you tend to long for someone you know, even if the person only had exchanged just some words with you. That words makes the whole lot difference compared to a stranger blabbering now and then.

"So he is unfortunate and wandering through a place that he doesn't know or maybe... he know..." It came clear cut out of the room I stood in front of. I turned my body toward the door.

"Oh my, the wanderer has stopped wandering for once" The blue eyes peered at me from the mellow lighting within. I blankly stared for some solid seconds, I did not reply, not yet.

"I thought you only replied when only someone teased you"

"It's rhetorical question, but are you still sane enough to reply to my questions" I did not have rush of feelings I thought I would have when finally finding someone from the research team. I did not know why, but sometime ago when I heard Maria's voice I was ecstatic.

"Maybe, but sane enough to poke you" The words blurted from the slot that in appearance was similar to a slot for mail. But thinking about it, the words said through it in some sense was similar to words delivered by mails even though now a days that kind of medium was outdated mostly, that was not the case for the annoying advertisement I was send of a new restaurants opening near by.

"You are being quite playful when it comes to being locked up... I want you to be a little serious, How long have you been in here for?" I said with a colder tune, I had no time for nonsense.

"You think I have any idea, I don't even what time is anymore" The words were clear but these words had a tremble in them, there was touch of grief hidden behind.

"So wouldn't you ask me to open this door and free you?" That should've been first instinct of any sane person.

"Not really, I think I cannot escape anymore, I am bound to this room... Actually I like it in here, it gives me a feeling that I have gotten to closer to myself, maybe even forgive and accepted myself" She moved her head, but I couldn't see her properly. I didn't in what condition she was living in there.

"How are you even alive in there?" I was curious, she shouldn't have much strength to talk that much with me.

"Oh, I am feeding myself on the remains on this guy in here, well he attacked me first but end up becoming my source of food" She unhesitatingly explained how she had resorted to cannibalism. But that what such circumstances make you do.

"Oh, if you want to know it doesn't taste like chicken, maybe more stronger, I don't know how to explain, I have committed several times but I think I'm getting used to the taste of raw flesh, it's no food at fancy restaurant but gets the job done haha" She ended the grotesque statement with a playful chuckle.

"You know what aside from all this I actually have something to tell you..." She spoke so softly that now her voice turned into whispers, but somehow I could still hear her from all of the noise made.

"Come closer, place your ear nearer" I didn't get close in response but she still went on.

"You know I'm crazy for you" Again I wasn't flabbergasted, but just listened calmly, knowing ironically there was no sanity left anymore.

"You know even thou we have talked couple of times, I was always watching you back at work, I don't know how to explain, but I had this feeling of lust?, love whatever you call this, but I wanted to be with you, but how lucked played against me, I got transferred to another unit just when I made my mind to approach you" There was a short silence, literal silence, I notice that even the people screaming in other room had stopped.

"And that bitch wouldn't stop hanging around you, oh well I couldn't have done anything otherwise she would killed me or something, I know she was dangerous, but now when she was finally gone, I took my chances and now end up here... Wait actually let me tell you why I am like this... All this time I have been used by men, but neither I'm going to say that you were a gentlemen who were like none other, but I thought you were so helpless that even women like me can use you, play with you and make someone feel like how I felt" She went on giving a speech on how her lust developed or love or whatever the difference is.

"So in simple words I just want to fuck me senseless, I wanted to make you do it but such a hot women when gives a invitation then why decline, hmm, let's see I don't see any reason, we are going to die anyways, we could just feel some pleasure before we die.. huh?"

I was getting bored from all this, I began to slowly walk away, the noise of others also instantaneously rose. Then sudden thudding against the door took the main stage. It was the red head who violently kicked the door.

"Come here you, Come here Bruno, you ungrateful bitch, I gave you a generous offer and you!, come back, come back" She broke at the end, it cracked, actually everything cracked, her voice, body and spirits. I had no business here, I had to find the room and find what was actually going behind the scenes.

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