I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry, I am human

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I finally entered the designated room, the room which i destined to enter. I dragged by body through the door with trail of blood that followed. There was no pain but feeling of Euphoria that engrossed me. A new light showered over me. I could feel that once, sometime ago my grandfather was present here. The room was kept the way which presented his personality. The room was not messy in ant sense but if you looked closely you could see that wasn't necessarily the case. The papers were clustered together into random slots, the labels had a doctor like writing, his notice board was covered by specific genre of music he used to listen, it was known as Enka. This was Japanese traditional music but now a days it was produced on a small scale and had impurities.

I crawled on the floor, the pain was faraway, in such a place I never could feel that wretched feeling. Then my eyes laid upon a small figurine of a man, covered completely in golden dust. I had no idea what it was supposed to mean but then the words echoed in my mind. The immediate realization made me pick it up to see a small key attached to base with a lot of cello tape. The tape still retained its adhesion so it took some time to take it off. I scratched it with my grown nails which conveniently made it much easier.

I knew for it was exactly, it was no secret that he kept all information in one place, his favourite locker. He got it on his first wedding anniversary for my grandmother. Even thou she died young he kept the memories close by taking it where ever he could. The locker was supposed to be in shade of dark violet and turquoise, it didn't take much space, but was enough to keep jewellery and important documents. I had my it in my sight, it was neatly decorated in one of the wooden compartments, all this space just for one item.

When I try to reach it by extending my arm, I suddenly felt my body shreiking, a fall in energy. I again tried as my hand shook violently and with one motion I jerked the key in the hole. As the key twisted so did my heart and with a clean click the door revealed what lied within.

It was rather neat, with picture of my grandmother, it was monochromed. She had a great smile on her face, her white netted dress and hat went perfectly with the darker background. The expression on her face told that she was glad to be here but at the same time her eyes had an emotion representing that she had less time left in this world. I took out the picture and what followed was ironic. There was a playboy magazine from 1955, on the cover sat a model with stunning blue eyes and shoulder length black bangs. The lingerie was was white laced and reminded me of the dress wore by my grandmother. Was it supposedly a reminiscence or instead a naughty souvenir.  It was interesting but I had less time left, I could feel my body become colder with time.

There it was the answers I was searching for. A file that was filled with papers and labelled again with the unreadable handwriting. I delicately opened, the first page revealed the contents and the title of the report. 'The man who reached beyond a reason" Book 9.9.

'I had to leave Bruno behind, but he is growing up quick. I think he can take care of his self from here" The first few page went actually in detail about why he had left and came here to work. I came to realise quickly that this was not a report but a personal journal. He mentioned how I was capable child but needed a push in the right direction and how he plans to meet me in future. But that did not go according to plan.

"I'm finding it hard to find the suitable patient, every time the injection is injected there is always a different reaction. The reaction is always something unexpected. This time no 111 became delirious in the first few hours and then in the coming day bit his own tongue. There are two problems apparent, one is the pain tolerance of each subject is low and second the body can not handle the drugs."

It seemed like they were experimenting on all of the researchers they could get their hand on, no discrimination at all, American or Russian, it did not mattered, all were in end trapped. There was definitely a institute behind this, one on a global scale. I couldn't find out what the experiments had to accomplish until some parts later.

"One of the subjects, no 479 has adapted to the changes in its body. She hasn't lost any thinking skills and seems stable enough. We are going to release her into a larger cell, maybe in coming days test any changes in physical and mental capabilities. But on this idea of giving her more freedom has gotten me into a argument with 002. I don't want to release no 479 yet, she might a danger to herself. To be honest one of the reasons is I know who she is, she is someone precious to my grandson. I will try to keep her alive and make her the perfect human being until my grandson finds her. He will then have someone in his life who would have no flaws" My eyes widened, I had no comments on this particular part. I wasn't dense or daft, I knew who he was talking about. But how could he write these if he was dead. I flicked the pages to check dates, but there were none to be found. Then I checked the locker but there nothing much in there except some random pages. And then a feeling of nostalgia came when I saw these pages were nothing normal but pieces of my childhood. 'His first letters, his first drawing, his first poem' There were things that were from my past that he preserved. There was a sudden rush of emotions, I felt after a long time a reason to cry.

But then I found a page the bottom of the pile of my memories.

9th Life I have finally not just found the solution to being perfect but also a child that is perfect.

I didn't understood what he meant by this and thought he revealed only information relevant to me, he knew it all along that I would make it here and find this specific locker. All I know was that this file, ironically a book is just one of many.

"So you have finally found the answer, not all of it but a piece" It was the cold voice that appeared in front of me again, there was no need for the walkie talkie. I closed my eyes.

"So now you know why you cannot save me"

I sighed in response, my body now colder than the breath I inhaled.

"But have already done that haven't you, So now you don't need to do it again"

I never called it saving, it was just luck I was there at the right time and I had enough guts to kick the door down and find her hanging from the ceiling, kicking her feet, jolting like a fish that just came out of the water. The only thing I was good at was what I gave her, giving some hope as I even I who had no future was still surviving. It wasn't me that saw that there actually some purpose to live life as I still think there isn't much there, but if my grandfather saved me then there was no reason to waste the effort he put to show that I had to carry on living. I think same applied to her but she evolved herself, devoted herself to finding something hidden from us all, and now she was someone who couldn't be seen as someone when reaches extreme levels of perfectness disappears, Otherwise it will put existence of god to shame.

"So I'm here to tell you that you are indeed someone who has transitioned into an extreme of human flaws"

The voice wasn't distant but something that carcass me, there was a feeling of warmness and euphoria. It was like someone tightly hugged me, but sadly it wasn't who I wanted. Suddenly I shrieked, my soul shook, it was dark, really dark, I was frightened. ,y senses were gone, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing all gone. Just what was left behind was my sub consciousness and me behind. I looked at myself, as time felt like eternity and space felt like infinity.

"It's fine don't worry my golden man, you are a human, you are the post transition"

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