Date... Location: Please help me

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This was a small control centre, obviously did not look as fancy to be the main one but it was convenient enough to communicate with the authorities outside or wherever I could. Even though it was dark I could make out some intricacies of the machinery which laid into the of me. I wasn't aware of how it worked, I randomly pressed the buttons which I felt under fingers. In a sudden white noise with changing frequencies could be heard, it was loud and I feared that I might be discovered in matter of moments but that wasn't the case.

Then there was a ray of light which fell over me. I had no idea why this was happening but all of the encounters were with the people I knew. Sometimes this gave me the vague feeling that this world was really just a small place, and had just scratched the surface of what was out there. But that was a thought for another day.

"Hello, hello can someone hear, this is Timothy Ramsay from Pole of inaccessibility" The English man declares from the other side.

"Oh Tim, Were you suppose to be alive"

"What does that suppose to mean" He had a unusual reaction, with mix emotions he spoke.

"I have been sitting here everyday contacting, thinking that someone would catch this signal, even taking risk and you say was I suppose to be alive, you could have phrased differently, I'm glad you survived or escaped" It was like he was sitting in front of me eager to show his displeasure, actually it was always like this, whenever he got frustrated he would chew my ears out.

"Ok, I'm sorry Timmy, But the question is how did you got out and why are you the one trying to contact, you could have send help all this time" That was rational line of questioning, I needed to get answers.

"I'm stuck here myself, there is nothing left here" The voice now down, shallow and unhappy.

"Stuck how?, Just send help"

"I can't, not anymore" With each passing moment his phrasing got abstract. If he was doing this intentionally then it was not funny otherwise if he was being serious, then I had no idea what to say next.

"You man, I actually want to tell you something, this is what I want to tell you for a while... I really despise you"

I remained silent, it was better to listen to him, he probably was under quite a lot of pressure so he wasn't thinking straight or maybe he also had lost the ability to think.

"You know why? I have always lost to you, You were always one to picked for all the research projects, you were favorite of David, I had to use my father's influence to get myself on board with you guys. I only came this time because you came here to save Maria and I couldn't let you be the one saving her. I want to be the one for her but you also won in that territory, if she wanted to rely on someone it was you! I was just a third wheel rolling around you guys. I loved her, damn I don't know if she is alive anymore but I knew she didn't felt the same. She was the one who saved me from being a total asshole of a rich boy, made me conscious that I was in the end just being a dick and intentionally stuck with the role of being a show off when it came to wealth. I was all aware of how I acted and she was the reason of realization. Man it sucks. Everything sucks. I don't know I feel stuck in this role" If he came out with all of this before coming here I would have reacted in a more emotional manner, I was still moved a little, but as I knew I was walking in thin ice, knowing anytime I could die, I just couldn't handle him right now.

"Timmy I thought you were a great friend, but if you felt like that you should have done this before, if you would have told this to Maria, she might have accepted you as person who had more layers than apparent, but you acted shallow, she would have trusted you if peel of those layers of yours and showed your true self"

"How could you say that confidentially, if you never knew about all this until now then how can you easily make such assumptions, you don't even know first thing about relations" The furiousness had reduced a little, but he still emphasized few key words that were seemingly suppose to make greater impact.

"You are dick, consciously or not, I loved you as a friend, you were my best friend, I thought after going through many experiences we were close but actually now I can see why you did not deserve anyone like me or even her" I stopped, he didn't cut in, but was waiting, I knew I had hit him hard.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!..." He repeated these words until I couldn't make out what he actually was saying. I ended the transmission knowing it was not worth it, everything was coming to an end, my relations, life and end to this mystery as I knew the R5 was close by.

But there it was, a clap that broke the silence and heavy atmosphere which left me in daze.

"You thought you were clever to hide here, but you were only clever when you were sane, I heard your voice from across the hallway, talking to yourself huh... " Alexander stood firm in the corridor with a big grin on his face representing emergence of his victory. He stopped clapping and now his hands grasping each other. I did not want him know that I could have acess the communication panel if I needed it in future, so I tried not to mention Timmy.

"Oh it has been a while, Mr Alexander hope you remember me." I replied with intensifying sarcasm. I rotated my body to face him directly, my stance was defensive knowing something definitely was going down, either he was going to capture me or kill me.

"No how can I forget you that face, I clearly remember you Bruno, you are one of the people in my life who made a great first impressions, but now look at you, you are filthy and no near what you used to be" His grin turned slowly into a expression unexplainably filled with anguish. His ocean blue eyes were like a murky ocean which reflected the darkness within.

"I didn't want this to happen you know, but it was orders you know, but I am actually glad you are alive, but not sane enough I guess" His words carried an aura of truth to them but, the last statement gave it away that he thought I too was one of them that I had also lost it. Now I had to think whether it was wise to act according to his expectations or try to explain I was fine.

"You were a good man, but I am sorry" He slided a revolver out from his back pocket. He pulled the safety off and pointed it towards me.

"I barely communicated with you... So I have got question... can you answer me how was I a good man, how did I make a good impression on you and why are you sorry"

His hands began to shake as soon I asked him these question, an ephiphany came upon him. "Wait... You seem fine to me now I think about it, but... I still need to put you down, we cannot have anymore problems than we already have" He tried to calm himself down through his own words though his hand still shook. I had to take advantage of his uneasiness with this situation.

"Before killing me, just answer my questions atleast I have some right to know, don't you think so" I made eye contact with him, while this gave me some time to plan out how to disarm him.

"I cannot tell you much but only that you were a determined worker, I have seen it myself your work ethics were high, you communicated well with the team, even though they did not treated you as well they should've, you just were unlucky to get into akward situations. So what I am saying that you deserve more than this and even others who worked hard to get to this point, in end they didn't made it huh..." In this time I reduced the distance between us, I already was in a defensive stance. I would nto say I knew what exactly I would do but before joining the department we do indeed go through this type of training so It was not as bad it could have been.

"Yes and you know, I am a sinner, guilty of stuff which no one has done, I know I will repent all of this, but I think this will lead to greater good for the humanity..." And here I took my chance, I extended my harms to remove the trajectory of gun from me, I grabbed his wrist and with the momentum of my body twisted the arm, spinning him, I took care that he did not shoot me, but he was unexpectedly strong. While my body was untrained and under nutritioned, I struggled, but in end was sucessful to disarm him, but as soon this occur, he swiftly took a pocket knife out and stabbed my abdomen. I felt a sudden jerk of pain taking over, even though I realised it did not pierce through any off my vital organs, it still was enough to make me teary eyed. There were no words exchanged as I fell onto the ground, but he wasn't aware that the gun was exactly where I fell, in those short moments I gathered the remaining stregth to pik the gun and pull the trigger. And so another moment passed and another body laid on the ground.

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