Date: 25th November, Time: 17:49, Location: Over South Ocean

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The ambiance of the cabin holding us had undergone a melancholic epiphany, completely diverting everyone's focus. What was that sound which rang in my head, echoing constantly.

"Don't come near me," she begs.

"Why not?"

The question laid between us, I haven't seen her in this state ever since we met, broken down in tears, her usual black hair in pony tail now in mess. The girl who I remembered since the very first day of the university, so strong both mentally and physically, but now a disastrous wreck, she laid in the dullness of the life and surrounding.

I have never been in such a situation particularly with a female.

"You wouldn't understand the pain can you"

What type of pain, pain of losing someone, the pain of loss, pain from abuse, pain... After all, these times we have spent, I couldn't see this hidden side of her like a moon which never revolved.

"If you wouldn't tell me how would I know what you are talking about?"

She gives me a glare filled with distress and despair.

"For now please leave me alone, I need some time on my own, just do me this favour"

She drops her head down and both her hands hanging on her black stocking. A hoodie which had stains of vomit on it, the room being just like her emptier than ever, her eyeliner flowing on her cheek, red swollen eyes, a girl in her dorm room, a depressed girl in her miserable state.

"Alright, but you really want me to leave, I can try to solve the problem you are in, maybe not fully but I could share..."

"Just leave, Just leave, just..."

She screams in a hysterical way, the darkness engulfing her as I stand there, expressionless as the endless cry defined my uselessness.

My mind went through a projection of last time I heard her like that. It hurts to even listen, as soon that sound hit my drums, I wished I was deaf.

"Alexander, do you have any idea where could she be"

The Englishman exclaimed at the upright man standing ahead.

"Calm down, no need to be like that, I just gave the message which director ordered me to, so no ideas right now"

Timothy analysed the situation by scanning the co-workers near him.

"If the message was sent from a place then the people back at the headquarter can trace it back"

There was rambling noise which bubbled through out the cabin, there wasn't anyone arguing in the place though.

"No need for that, ask the pilot if there is enough fuel that he could take us back to Australia or even New Zealand, we could plan from there onward,"

The red scarfed man wanted to retreat.

"Are you sane, we have come this far"

"Mind your language, you are half my wit and look you want to go there to die than go, we are scientists not secret agents,we die for science and not for some god damn mission impossible" The scientist exclaimed.

Alex attempted to make the argument redundant.

"Well, I am not taking Timothy's side, but there is no going back, because that would be against orders and secondly we do not have enough fuel"

The ginger, chick boy and mostly others remained silent, the side representing neutrality while I tried to question Alex about the message.

"So why did not we get any message?"

"Aren't the leader supposed to get the message itself"

Again with that leadership bull shit like we are just here for fun. The attendant watched the show from behind the corner, laughing to herself, am I the only one noticing this?.

My mind raced as question without any answers were inputted.

"OK, so can I contact the headquarters to confirm the coordinates of the recording which may provide us with a sense of direction"

Alex taps on the seat, "The message has been checked already, it is from anonymous user so no tracing back"

Timmy squints kicking the panel on his right, he was having an argument with others.

"As I said there is no use of going back, you bimbo"

The man suddenly swiped his knuckle and then stopped as Timmy moved back.

"Don't make me hit you"

"You sure who would get beaten?"

Alexander tried to intercept before someone really got beaten up.

"Come on, I accept it that the message is terrifying, but it isn't also from formal medium so we cannot speculate its legality, I was ordered that's why I played this message, for now we have to visit Vostok there is no choice"

I couldn't understand if this was not formal and not even that worth, then the organisation wouldn't have even considered sending the recording, contradiction upon contradictions, I could not understand Alex now, why bother, but still that clearly was Maria's voice no doubt about it.

"What the heck not clear, that voice, she was from the team, her name is Maria Petrov for your information"

Timmy now blindly and upon instinct called people out even though he could have just avoided it.

Before Alex could logically give a reason for all this drama an announcement again hits us from above.

"Please, remain seated, the plane will be landing in an hour"

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