Chapter I- Greetings

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Geno's P.O.V

Ah, the lovely and peaceful morning. Quiet with birds chirping and flying. Time to check on my trees. I walked over to one and its happy, it hasn't seen any threat of any sort which is quite delightful. I kept walking around and saw stumps. "What? Why...........unless....." I said readying my attack with my bones......

Reaper's P.O.V

I was walking around the simple and quiet forest. Its nice. I sliced a few trees here but that doesn't really matter. I haven't seen anyone here. I guess it really is just a rumor.........wait, I hear soft humming. There must be! I crept towards the area to see a skeleton. A very intresting looking skeleton. They were pearly white, wore a pretty long jacket and white shirt, slippers too but that isn't what intrests me. Its the rose in his left eye socket and the vines on his legs. Oh shoot, better hide, he's coming over.

He notices the stumps, woah, he's preparing an attack. Fine. Lets go...

Geno's P.O.V

I heard something behind me, I instantly turn around but didn't send off my attack. "Hi" someone greeted. I looked around, I saw no one. I looked near the trees and there laid a figure leaning on the tree. The aura I gave it turning grey and dying. My eyesocket widened. I threw my attack at him. He dodged all the bones and well destroyed the vines. He stepped infront of me, killing the grass. "Your Death himself aren't you?" I proclaimed, already knowing the answer myself. I was a bit nervous.

"Heh, yep, but people call me Reaper naturally" he replied. "What are you doing in my forest?" I asked in a menacing tone. My eyesocket narrowed, my nervousness fading. "Well, I just stumbled upon this place looking for you" Reaper replied calmly. "Me? Why?" I asked. "Because of all the rumors, and that your a guardian hired by Life" Reaper replied lazily. "Why do YOU care about Life? Your opposites, but then again, you two are like Yin and Yang" I said bluntly. "She's an old friend of mine, caring and all, I always visited her until she went into hiding" Reaper said.

My eyesocket widened. "So you're-" I stopped myself from saying something blunt. "I'm?" Reaper asked pointing at himself. "Nothing, just leave my forest" I said shooing him away. "Now I won't stop until you tell- WOAH!!" Reaper yelped as I made the tree fall on him. "Ya know what? Your mean" Reaper spoke. "Get out!!" I yelled as I lifted the tree. "Fine, but I'm coming back" Reaper replied teleporting away.

I sighed with relief. He's gone. Hopefully he stops killing my trees. Oh right, I never told him my name. Well whatever, but why is he coming back? Does he need something? Oh right, information. Sigh........

Reaper's P.O.V

"So you're telling me that there is a person living in that forest?" Asgore asked. "Yes, I didn't catch his name as he didn't notify me, for all I know is that he has information on Life and where she's hiding" I replied. "Good, but um, is he dangerous?" Asgore asked nervously.

Alphys: No, he s-shouldn't b-be unless you're a t-threat t-to the f-forest, he is a g-guar-rdian i-isn't h-he?

Reaper: Yes, he is. He was quite angry when I killed his trees but nonetheless

Asgore: Alright, we will meet this guardian, everyone, get ready tomorrow.

Alright, so I'm meeting him tomorrow.

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