Chapter XV- Wedding Day

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Don't play the song yet!

Timeskip To A Week~

Geno's P.O.V

Oh geez, its my wedding day. Oh gosh I'm so nervous. What if I trip? What if I forget my vows? What if- "Geno!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked to see Fauna. She's my bridesmaid, as well as Pansy. Gaia and Tulip are flower girls. "Geno, look, I know you're worried but, its your wedding day! You should enjoy it! Besides, you spent a while picking your wedding dress that fits your taste.

I tied my scarf around my waist in a bow. "I know Fauna its just, I'm nervous" I admitted. "Hey, you're future is bright, you can do this! You're Life he's Death, you'll be in great balance!" Fauna exclaimed. Fauna went out of the room and I heard the music start.

Play The Song!

Tulip and Gaia threw the rose petals and I walked down the aisle behind them. It was like a dream. I saw Reaper, he wore a tuxedo that had a hood and a royal blue bowtie. He was sweating bullets and he was tense. I smiled and he relaxed. I stopped at the alter.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and Guardians, we are here to gather the love and bond of two souls, Life and Death. We hope for great balance. Please say your vows" Asgore nodded at Reaper.

"Geno, my lovely Rose, the light to my darkness, I vow to protect you, care for you and for our bright future. I love and care for you dearly that I would risk dying to save you. Till My Brother reaps us, I vow to help you and care for you forever" Reaper vowed.

"Reaper, at first I didn't know what to think of you, you surprised me really. Even if you were a bit cocky and annoying, you showed me that you cared for more than I thought. I vow to protect you and love you for as long as we're together. Till Papyrus Reaps Us, I'll love and care for you forever" I vowed.

"Do you Reaper, take Geno as your lawfully wedded wife?" Asgore asked Reaper. "I do" Reaper grinned. "And do you, Geno, take Reaper to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asgore asked me. "I do" I smiled back. "With the power invested in me, I know pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" Asgore announced. Reaper dipped me and gave me a kiss. I took it happily. The crowd cheered.

"Who wants cake!" I cheered. They cheered back and rushed to the banquet hall. I followed and greeted many other people. I also drank wine. "Yolo!" A voice greeted. I turned to see a skeleton girl with yellow, green and blue bat ears. She had yellow, green and blue bird wings and well a griffon tail with the same color scheme. She wore a pink hoodie with the words 'Peace And Love' written in colors.

Her eyes ombred with the same color scheme as the ears, wings and tail. She smiled and I saw fangs. Her tongue was a sea green. "What are you?" I asked merely shocked. "I'm a griffon-vampire-skeleton hybrid! People call me a freak but I'm just unique" she explained. "Anyways, my name is Illera Spark Medallion, I'm the OC of the Author here!(Please don't break the 4th wall!) She sent me to give you a gift for your wedding!" Illera smiled. I took the gift from her and smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks, I guess?" I said unsurely. "I know, your surprised to see a hybrid like me! Thats okay! People give me that look too!" She smiled. "I gotta go! See ya next time! Peace out!" She gave me a peace sign with her fingers and teleported. "That was just weird" I muttered. Yep, definetely the strangest thing I've had all day........

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