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Hey guys! So as you may have noticed, I changed the title of the story. I kept it as Hunt for Love to signify that there would be some chemistry between Peter and Ava in this story, but no hard romance. That'll come in later stories. ;)


***Deserted Island, Location: Unknown(6:39 PM)***

It was evening when Peter had woken up. The sun was setting, engulfing the sky in an array of beautiful pink and orange sky. Today had been both an eventful and emotional day. Being stranded on a deserted island can get to you after a while, even if it's only been two days. But on the upside, he had Ava.

Even though they only knew each other for a few days, the two had bonded so quickly. And what made Ava happy, was that Peter was there to comfort her. Having him here, made this experience a whole lot more bearable. While thinking, Peter got the feeling of 'nature a-callin'. He slowly tried to wiggle his way out of her grip when her arms tightened around his waist.

"Stop moving, Parker," She groaned.

"Ava, I gotta go," Peter said. He felt Ava's body clinch when said that. She drowsily lifted her head and looked right at him.

"What? What're you talking about?" He could hear the fear in her voice that matched the look on her face. Quickly he cupped her cheek to comfort her.

"No, I'm not leaving you," He rubbed his thumb against her cheek, "I just really need to go to the bathroom. And then I'm gonna go get the bags. We did leave them back by the old campsite."

Ava chuckled with a smile, remembering fully how the day had begun. "Ok, Peter. Go do what you need to do, but you come right back, you understand?"

Peter responded with a nod, to which Ava slowly released her grip. When she finally let him go, Peter stay kneeling to give Ava a kiss on the forehead before promising that he would be back. As he walked out, Ava smiled at the thought of Peter caring for her. Knowing that he cared for her filled a hole in her that was made when her father died. It made her feel...loved.

After answering 'the call of nature', Peter exited the forest and headed to where the bags were left, hoping that the tide hadn't come in and taken them with it.

As he was walking, his thoughts went back to Ava. The fact that he was able to comfort her in her time of need, just warmed his heart. He was happy to do it too. It felt good to know that he could help someone else in this situation, knowing what and how they were feeling, maybe Mr. Stark was onto something. He probably didn't expect this to happen, but he was right when he said that Peter could help this girl.

Suddenly, he got a tingly feeling of something behind him. He bent down, swept his leg around which made a guy in black clothes fall down on his back. Quickly, Peter jumped on him, pulled off his mask and held him down.

"Who are you and what're you doin' here?" Peter asked.

The guy just smirked and said, "We've got you two now."

Hearing this, Peter turned his head around in the direction of the shelter and a cold chill went up his spine.

"Ava!" He whispered. He knocked the guy out then started running for the shelter, hoping and praying that Ava was still ok.

(Meanwhile, back at the Shelter)

Ava had been drifting in and out sleep ever since Peter left. Only this time she wide awake now. She felt like half her was gone as she laid there, and though she would never admit it, she wanted to have someone there to comfort her. And that someone is Peter, just the feeling of being in his arms gave her a certain warmth.

The sound of a twig snapping brought Ava out of her thoughts. Sitting up, she walked out and looked around but didn't hear or see anything.

"Peter?" She called out. But no one answered, "Peter is that you? This isn't funny, stop playing with me."

As she walked out further onto the beach, she started to feel like she was being watched. Then as she looked to her left she saw a figure running towards her. At first, it was shady, thanks to the darkness. She got into a defensive stance, ready to defend herself, but as the figure drew closer, she realized it was Peter.

"Oh Peter," She let out a sigh of relief, "You scared me. I thought you were-"

"AVA, LOOK OUT!" Peter screamed.

Ava was about to turn when yet again, she felt something sting her on her thigh. Looking down, she saw a dart sticking out and fainted. As she hit the ground, five guys in black flooded out of the jungle and picked Ava up. Peter ran towards them and shot two weblines and snatched two guns away from them, then shot two more and tripped them. Next, he webbed one man's fist and pulled it to another guy's face like a puppet before he knocked him out.

When his 'puppet' dropped, he bent down and shook Ava's shoulder.

"Ava, are you ok?" He asked.

Before he could get an answer, the sound of a gunshot went off and he was on the ground, not moving. Kraven strolled up behind him and blew some smoke from his gun.

"Grab her and let's go," He said.

Some more guys came up and picked Ava up and walked away with her into the forest. As they did, Ava slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out a red and blue body lying on the ground.

"P-Peter?" she said woozily.


I know, I know. I'm an idiot for killing Peter off. But remember, it's the MCU! Which means nobody really stays dead for long, if at all. Also, based on the new FOX/Disney Merger deal, I'm thinking about doing a merger fic with The X-Men, The Fant4stic team, and The Avengers. Should I? Let me know! Love you guys, and I'll see you later.

Spider-Man and White Tiger - Hunt For The Amulet(SpiderTiger/TomDaya)Where stories live. Discover now