Partners, and Friends

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***The Next Morning,11:30(Regular POV)***

Peter woke up with a great feeling. He drowsily strode his way to the bathroom.

"Today's the day," He said after splashing some water on his face,"Hope Ava's feeling good."

After he dried his face off, Peter reached under the bed, pulled out the case. As he pulled out his suit, Peter pulled out his phone and called Tony.

"What's up, kid?"Tony said answering the phone.

"Hey Mr. Stark, everything's goin' great down here," Peter said,"I'm going to have lunch with Ava right now."

"Oh,you're going on a date with the recruitee, huh?"

"What?! No, Mr. Stark! We're just gonna meet and talk about her decision."


"By the way, Mr. Stark, it wasn't cool what you said in the message for Ava. It made me look like an idiot."

"Well don't worry about, kid. You'll be okay. Now go get'em, Spider-Man."

"Thanks, Mr. Stark." Then Peter ended the call, put on his suit and jumped out the window. Heading for the high school, Peter hoped for the best.

***Skyline High School(Regular POV)***

Spider-Man swung around Rio, following the coordinates in his mask's HUD. When he landed on a nearby building, he saw the school where flocks of kids were walking around and sitting all along the property.

He pulled out his phone to check the time, seeing that it was currently 11:57.

"That's just enough time to change."He thought. He landed in a nearby alley, pushed the symbol on his chest, took off the suit, and pulled out some regular clothes from his backpack(Kinda like in the trailer, except the other way around).

After he finished, he ran out of the alley and towards the school.


'That's the bell for lunch, so I gotta find Ava. And quick.' he thought.

He ran walked and looked until he found her sitting under a tree on top of a white blanket. It wasn't until he was right in front of her that she looked up from her book and acknowledged him.

"Hey," she said smiling,"You made it."

"Yeah didn't wanna disappoint." Peter replied sitting across from her on the blanket,"So have you thought about the offer?"

She took a deep breath and exhaled before she replied,"Forgive for answering a question with a question,but.......what was it like when you recruited?"

(Peter's POV)

Wow! I never thought anyone would ask me how it was when asked for help by a superhero.

"Um...well, it was kinda both exciting and terrifying. I came home one day, and there was Mr. Stark. Talking to my Aunt May. The next thing I knew, me and him were in my room. And that's where said he needed my help."

"What was that like?"Ava asked me,"I mean how did you feel when he asked?"

Ya know, I think I realize why Mr. Stark asked me to do this. He said it was because the two of us had a lot in common, and he was right. This is exactly how I felt when I was recruited.

"[Sigh]Well, I felt overwhelmed that Mr. Stark wanted my help, but I was also kinda...scared."

"Oh," was all she said as she hugged her knees and buried her head in her arms. So I decided to ease the tension.

Spider-Man and White Tiger - Hunt For The Amulet(SpiderTiger/TomDaya)Where stories live. Discover now