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OK, for those of you who are still mad at me for killing Peter off in the previous chapter, I'm sorry. But I had to in order to make this work. Please try not to be mad at me long enough to enjoy this chapter. I think you're gonna like it. ;)

***Uncharted Island, Deep Forest***

Ava slouched as she stood, tied to a big tree. She had been crying, and with good reason. She'd just watched the only person she had left to care for or who cared about her be killed. Even though her vision was blurry, she had just assumed the worse. She had to sob in silence as she had been carried through the forest, and into this small camp with a big bonfire in front of a big tree.

That's how she got this way. She could've fought her way out, but after what she saw, she didn't feel it. She'd never get to work with Peter, never get to laugh with, hug him....... Or love him. Yes, she had fallen for the young spider themed hero. And he was a hero. Not just to the world, but to her especially. He had helped her when she was down and comforted her she scared........ But now he was gone. And it was all because of that no-good,  sadistic bearded man, Kraven.

"Ah, the tigress has woken up from her little cat nap," a voice said.

'Speak of the devil,' Ava thought as she looked up with a look of disgust on her face.

"Awww, such a sad sad face," The Hunter taunted lifting her chin with his fingers. To which Ava flinched away without hesitation.

"Just tell me one thing," she said in a warning tone, "Did I see what I think I saw on that beach? Did you kill him, is Peter dead?"

"Ah, your little Spider friend. Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your little friend is gone."

Ava felt her world crumble around her as she heard those words. Now she was truly alone.

"But  you should be happy, Ava." Kraven continued, "You're about to witness something glorious. Something your father never could have done."

"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY FATHER, YOU SADISTIC FREAK!" Ava exclaimed, "You don't deserve to talk about him. You took him from me. You took my mother, and now my friend. I have nothing left, so why don't you just get it over with?"

"Because I want you to see what true powers looks like."

"Does it look anything like this?" A voice said before a sticky substance flew onto Kraven's eyes, temporarily blinding him.

Ava looked around in both relief and confusion. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that voice. She knew that voice, it was... No it couldn't be, could it?

  She was brought out of her thoughts when one of Kraven's goons was swiftly pulled into the jungle brush. Then another two had their heads bashed against each other before they were pulled out of sight. The fourth guy pulled out his gun and shot in multiple directions. He stopped when the clip was empty, hoping he'd hit something. He re-aimed his gun and  waited. When he least expected, a web line grabbed his gun and pulled it up. He was about to run when another was shot down and pulled him up I to the trees. The last two stood in a back-to-back position, and kept their eyes on the trees, hoping that they could see what pulled the last guy up.

"Down here, boys!" the voice said again. They looked two red hands sticking out of the busht before they started firing their guns. When they stopped, they slowly started to walk into the brush to see if they shot whatever or whoever it was.

Ava watched as they disappeared into the brush. When they were completely out of sight, she started wriggle out of the rope that held her to the tree. After what seemed to be five minutes, but in reality was only twenty seconds, she was free and made a brake for the forest. She was almost into the bushes when she was grabbed from behind and thrown back against the tree.

Spider-Man and White Tiger - Hunt For The Amulet(SpiderTiger/TomDaya)Where stories live. Discover now