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Kraven was running, sniffing the air, hoping to find those two meddlesome brats. He sniffed the air and looked up at the trees. He growled and jumped up and started to climb. The scent was getting stronger now.

"Oh, Kravey Cat?" He heard a voice.

He turned to see Spidey standing on a branch waving at him. Leaping off the tree, he jumped over to Spider-Man right before he jumped off.

"Ya missed me! Come on kitty, the party's this way!" Spidey teased.

Kraven growled and chased him. Peter kept jumping from tree limb to tree limb, hoping that this plan of Ava would work. Peter's part was to get Kraven back to the campsite, and she would take it from there. As he got closer to the camp, he could hear Kraven gaining on him. So he tried to pick up the pace a bit until he was in a tree right above the campsite. 

As he waited for White Tiger, he felt a thud on the branch he was on, then he felt breathing on the back of his neck. He turned around slowly to see Kraven towering over him.

 "Um, nice kitty?" Spidey said.

"Hey, Kraven!" Another voice said.

They both turned to see White Tiger standing in another tree.

"You don't wanna eat spiders," she said, "They get stuck in your teeth and give you cavities."

Kraven turned towards the tree but felt Spidey jump on his shoulders and grab onto his head.

"Oh you're making jokes now?!" He said.

He stayed on smacking Kraven on the head a few times before jumping off. Kraven growled again and turned to Peter before he felt someone push him off the branch. As he started to fall, a web line caught him. He looked up to see Spider-Man holding the line and White Tiger standing next to him. 

"Go get your amulet," Spidey said, motioning his head at Kraven.

White Tiger put a hand on his shoulder before climbing down the line, being careful to avoid Kraven's swinging claws. she cut through the thick webs on the line and reached down to pick up the Tiger Amulet from his chest. When she did, she climbed back up. Looking down, they could see Kraven slowly turning back into a human. 

"Should I?" Spidey asked.

"Go ahead," White Tiger replied.

With them smiling under their masks, Spidey let go of the line and let Kraven fall to the campground below. Then the two climbed down and headed back for the beach.

"Nice plan, Ava," Spidey said.

"In our partnership, you'll find that all, well, most of my ideas work, Parker." White Tiger retorted.

They laughed as they walked. But what they didn't know, is that Kraven had recovered and was back up. He pulled out a gun from behind his back and pointed it at White Tiger. With the two super-teens, Spidey felt the hairs on the back of his neck stick up, something bad was happening. He looked over his shoulder and immediately saw the gun.

"AVA, LOOK OUT!!!" He screamed.

She turned and saw the gun too. She also saw Peter run towards her and push her away before she hit the side of a tree.

[BANG], the shot was fired.

She opened her eyes to see the same horrible vision she saw back on the beach. A red and blue body lying on the floor. 

"PETER!!!" She screamed.

She got up and ran to him. Kneeling down she pulled off his mask and saw an unconscious face.

"Peter please wake up, please come on." She exclaimed.

When Peter didn't respond, something snapped inside of Ava. An anger was brewing and getting hotter. She lay Peter down, got up and turned towards Kraven to see he still had the gun pointed at her.

"This is where it ends, Little Ava." He said pulling the trigger.

*click*, the gun was empty. He shook it then looked at Ava.

"My turn," she said running at him and delivering a hard uppercut and kick to his face.

"My turn," she said running at him and delivering a hard uppercut and kick to his face

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When he was down, she landed on him and delivered more punches to his face. Each harder than the other, each with more ferocity. Finally, she stopped hitting him to catch her breath. She panted as she looked at his face, beaten to a pulp. But she didn't care, he'd just killed Peter. Wait, Peter? She looked over her shoulder to see Peter laying there, still unconscious. 

 She got up and walked over to him before kneeling down and pulling him into her lap. She cupped his face and started to cry. Looking down his body, she saw where the bullet had hit. She looked back at his face.

"Please Peter, don't leave me," She pleaded, "You're all I have left. And I can't live without you. I, I love you, Peter. Please come back to me."

She whispered the last part as she leaned her head against his.  A bright light shone down above them. Ava felt it and looked up. She saw a plane of sorts hovering as it got lower. Then she saw something smaller and faster fly down and land with a thud. Looking closer, she saw that it was Iron Man! The suit opened up and Tony Stark ran out over to them.

"What happened?!" He exclaimed.

"Kraven shot him, he's over there," Ava replied, "Please help him."

"Don't worry, I care about the kid too."

A medic team ran out of the quinjet with a stretcher. They wheeled it over to the three and put Peter on it, and wheeled into the jet with Ava running alongside it. The door closed and the jet lifted off the ground to take off and Tony got back in his Iron Man suit and flew off. The jet flew right behind him as they headed back to the Avengers Facility.

Inside the jet, Ava was sitting next to the stretcher with Peter now breathing again but still unconscious. She ran her fingers up and down his arm and linked her hand with his. Standing up, she kissed his cheek and whispered into his ear,"It's gonna be ok now, Peter. You're gonna be ok now, you brave idiot."

She sat back down and leaned her head against the rail and tightened her grip on his hand, happy that he was still alive.


Bet you guys didn't see that coming, did ya? I've been planning this ever since Peter said 'I'd take a bullet for her.' He's gonna be ok and so is Ava. They're headed to the New Avengers Facility for healing, that's in the next chapter. So hope you guys liked this, next chapter is gonna be emotional. See you then.

Spider-Man and White Tiger - Hunt For The Amulet(SpiderTiger/TomDaya)Where stories live. Discover now