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ryland's pov

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ryland's pov

"fuck you," echoed through the classroom in fifth period that day. it was the last class until i could go home, crawl into my bed and scroll through tumblr for hours, and shane dawson was throwing a tantrum. again. the teacher, a man who was about forty years old, with a large frame, slightly greying hair and a tall posture walked over to shane's desk and demanded for him to leave the classroom.

"gladly." shane said and smirked, walking towards the door and looking over his shoulder. briefly, only for a second, our eyes met and i blushed, instantly looking down at my page of empty work. we'd just received our english essays back, and shane had thrown a fit saying he deserved at least a b, and not a c minus. because of this, the last twenty minutes had consisted of enduring shane's bickering with mr jefferson whilst i played hang man with garrett, the boy next to me.

i knew garrett was very close friends with shane, and every time the auburn haired boy would make a clever or sarcastic remark towards mr jefferson, a smirk would appear on garrett's face, and he would send a quick glance at drew, his best friend, who would simply raise his eyebrows in reply.

there were not many things i knew to be true, as i often wondered whether everything was simply just a lie, or a cover up for some big secret that the world was hiding, but what i do know is that shane dawson is your typical bad boy. he was a year older than everyone else in the class due to being held back a year, and was now retaking year eleven. shane walked around with a cocky smirk on his face and had every single girl at school fawning over him. shane never really dated anyone, from what i could tell anyway, yet he hooked up with girls during lunch break and said girl would make sure that everyone knew about it.

to put it shortly, shane lee dawson was renowned for sex and bad attitude.

we'd never really spoken properly, shane and i, we'd pass in the hallways and from time to time our eyes would meet, but we'd never engaged in actual conversation. he had absolutely no sense of style yet managed to look great anyway, and he had these piercing blue eyes that would shock anyone out of their grave, and had auburn hair that was pushed up into a messy quiff. he was attractive, yes, and even in the baggy, navy blue t-shirt he wore today, which had a polar bear sipping a diet coke printed on the front, shane looked gorgeous.

the door slammed behind shane just as my phone buzzed in my pocket. the teacher was staring at his desk in silence as people in the class began to look at each other anxiously, waiting for him to break the silence. since the attention wasn't on me, i grabbed my phone and checked the notification.

mom: home again late tonight. x

i sighed, putting my phone away, and looked up to see mr jefferson staring directly at me. "why does every single student in this class think they can push boundaries with me? ryland adams, you can join shane out there. and anyone else who feels like misbehaving can join them." the english teacher snapped. i froze and embarrassment flooded through me. i'd never been sent out a class before. i scraped my chair back and stood up, walking out the class room and wondering how shane had made it look so effortless, as if he'd done it a hundred times before. to be honest, he probably has.

i shut the door behind me, a lot quieter than shane had, and saw shane leant against the wall of the classroom, a smirk on his face. his hands were in the pockets of his black jeans as he tutted at me. "ryland adams," he said, biting the corner of his lower lip slightly, "we do love the resident bad boy. forever breaking the rules."

"shut up." i mumbled under my breath, causing him to shake his head in amusement and smile slightly. i leant against the wall opposite him and felt his eyes boring into me, but chose to ignore it. "how long are we out here for?" i asked, and shane simply shrugged in reply.

shane ran a hand through his auburn hair and pulled his jean jacket tighter around him. "once mr jefferson realises he cant blame a class of twenty students for his wife deciding she's a lesbian and leaving him." he commented, looking down at me through his abnormally long eyelashes. becuase he was seventeen, he was at least 5ft10, perhaps 6ft, and towered over my 5ft8 frame.

"wait, his wife's lesbian? are you serious?" i asked in disbelief, my mouth falling agape a little.

shane's face fell into a frown. "oh my god," he groaned, "please don't tell me you're one of those goody-goody christian boys who is waiting for sex till marriage and hates gay people."

i was not the way shane had described. sure, my mom dragged me along to church every now and then, but i wasn't a biblical literalist who was completely innocent. i'd never hooked up with someone, unlike most of the people in our year, and to be honest my main goal in high school was just to get through this last year. it seemed to be dragging on and was the hardest yet, what with our gcses next year, in june. at least that was still seven months away. it was november and in two weeks we'd be on christmas break.

"i'm- i'm not," i answered, voice wavering, "i'm gay, so i don't know where you got that idea from." the words sort of fell out my mouth before i could stop them, and i immediately regretted it the moment they did. now, including shane, i'd only told three people i was gay. joey and daniel, my friends, were pretty cool about it seeing as they'd been dating for the past year, but shane? i had no idea how he'd react.

"good." was all he said, and i couldn't even reply as mr jefferson told me to go back inside as he wanted to talk to shane. that one word was on my mind for the rest of the lesson, despite shane not returning to the class.

unusually, he was still in my head once i got home that night. since i was an only child and my mum was working late, i put a pizza in the oven and ate, before cleaning the dishes. i threw over half the pizza away and stared down at my slightly bulging stomach, sighing, before heading back up to my room. i changed out of my black jeans, changing into a pair of black sweatpants, pulling a grey sweater on top and sitting down at my desk to start on some maths homework.

i got half way through the second question before throwing my pen down in frustration, picking up my phone. i swiped it open and clicked on instagram. my feed was full of celebrities, news stories, selfies of people i didn't even like, and cute pictures of animals. i liked a few pictures that, to be honest, i didn't really like that much, before clicking the notifications button.

@shanedawson has requested to follow you. accept/decline

my eyes widened a little, my hands fumbling as i clicked 'accept'. the fact that shane would've had to look up my name and go through all the hassle of finding my account gave me that tiny slither of hope that, after today's conversation, maybe he was thinking of me too.

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