bonus christmas chapter

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surprise. i'm back :)) just for one chapter. i might do more in the future on my other books. or more if you like this one i'll do more for bad boy! anyway, here's an insight on what ryland and shane have been up to since we last saw them meeting for their first day at university all those months ago.

shane's pov
24th december 2018

my fingers tapped against the desk, eyes fixated on the clock. three minutes. three more minutes until i could walk out of the lecture hall without the stress of exams, the worry of what classes i had tomorrow, or what homework i had to do tonight. i'd been at stanford university for three months now, and it had been this long since i'd seen any of my family or even set foot near my front door. yet, that was okay, because i loved it. everything about university was perfect, from the campus to the classes to ryland.

the teacher continued to drone on about copyright policies, our final module before we finished for christmas break. christmas break. it was crazy to think that in just a week, it would be ryland and i's one year anniversary. a year since we had kissed under the fireworks as the clock struck twelve on new year's eve.

i shrugged on my black jacket, realising i might as well start getting ready to leave. the leather was warm against my dark red and navy sweater, which i'd paired with black skinny jeans and doc martens. ryland had spent ages choosing an outfit for me this morning as he had a study period for an hour this morning, whilst i had to struggle through the policies and laws of being a director. he had ended up deciding to get a teaching degree studying english, since he loved kids and was so talented at the subject that received A*s at the end of high school.

my phone buzzed against my back pocket, and i stole a quick glance at the teacher to see that his back was turned to face us as he scribbled against the whiteboard. the screen lit up underneath my table, showing two texts.

from: my boy ❤️
  we got let out early. where you at beautiful?

from: garrett 🌝
  just finished! excited to see you. drew almost fell off his chair when the bell rang.

the corner of my lips twitched up into a smile, quickly typing a reply to ryland.

to: my boy ❤️
  randle's keeping us right till the end. meet you at the dorm?

i slid my phone back into my pocket, unable to wipe the grin off my face. as i did so, the bell rang and i flew out the door, shouting 'you too!' to whoever yelled 'have a great christmas!' at me. narrowly, i missed running head first into a group of girls, who all giggled and tried to flirt with me as i appologised, and before they could even get a response from me, i was half way down the hall, dodging people as i sprinted to the dorm block.

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