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ryland's pov

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ryland's pov

it turns out that, perhaps, he wasn't thinking of me. because he didn't private message me that night, or the next day, and it was only on friday, at lunch time, when we crossed paths again. i'd already grabbed a sandwich from the canteen and was walking away from the queue of people when garrett approached me. the blonde boy was wearing an oversized hufflepuff sweater and blue jeans, along with doc martens, and didn't seem at all shy to ask whether or not i wanted to sit with him for lunch.

i agreed, knowing that joey and daniel wouldn't miss me that much, and followed garrett towards a table at the back. i blushed a little when i noticed that along with drew, shane was sat at the table, eating a cheeseburger. he looked up at me and smiled, a genuine smile that made butterflies swim in my stomach.

"hey ryland." drew greeted, moving his bag of an empty chair so i could sit down. i smiled and thanked him, sitting in the empty chair and placing my small sandwich on the table. i noticed that all three of them had burgers and chips, and i longed to a) be able to afford food like that and b) be able to eat such foods without gaining loads of weight and having no one like me. i wished for a figure like drew or garrett, who were skinny and tall, or shane, who was curvy in all the right places with broad shoulders and muscles.

"is that all you're eating?" garrett asked, looking concerned as he glanced at my sandwich. i blushed and felt embarrassed, not wanting to say that my mother spent all her earnings on alcohol and didn't really have time to give me lunch money.

"um- yeah, i don't really have enough for any more." i admitted, and i saw shane's expression soften slightly, only for a few seconds before it was covered again by his tough exterior. he slid his bag of chips across the table and told me to have them. despite me declining them, he raised his eyebrow in a threatening way that made me eat the chips quickly and thank him.

i had biology last with garrett, and drew headed off with shane to history. after a few seconds of walking, garrett turned to look at me and said, "i think shane might fancy you."

i blinked in shock, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my black, ripped up jeans. "no he doesn't." i retorted, scratching the back of my neck. a few more seconds of silence commenced as garrett smiled to himself cheekily. "does he?" i probed, shocked.

"i don't know," garrett shrugged, "you never know with shane. i just saw that he kept looking at you. forget i ever said anything." i nodded and hoped that the blush which grew on my cheeks wasn't noticeable.

biology dragged on and i ended up doodling in the margins of the lined paper. rain started to thump against the windows just before the bell rang, making me thankful that today was friday and therefore my mom wasn't working, and was able to pick me up. i hated walking home, and since it was late november, the nights were cold and dark even at 4pm. the bell rang and garrett was out the door like a flash of lightening with a faint bye, eager to get to the bus before all the seats were taken, leaving me to walk back to the lockers alone.

i reached my locker after fighting the crowds of people eager to go home for the weekend and get ready for parties. i grabbed my bag and was about to close the door when a text beeped through on my phone.

mom: work called and have to do night shift at cafe in town tonight. will stay overnight in hotel. will u be okay? sorry x

i groaned angrily and looked outside at the poring rain. "you've got to be kidding me." i muttered and slammed the door; turning around and bumping into a rock hard figure.

"i'm sorry that my presence gets you so angry," shane smirked, taking a step back and glancing me over, "actually, i'm not. it's kinda hot. what's wrong? did you do all your homework already and now you have nothing to do tonight?" he asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow. he adjusted his shoulder bag and looked directly into my eyes.

"i have to walk home in the fucking rain for an hour because, yet again, work is prioritised over me by my mother." i grumbled, picking up my backpack and swinging it over my shoulder.

sometimes i wondered whether my mother was actually working when she did 'night shifts', or whether she didn't want to bring some guy home and for me to tell my dad about it. he worked in the army and only came home a few times a year, so it wouldn't be a surprise if that did happen. i had suspicions that she was unfaithful to him but of course i had no proof, but just the thought of my dad serving the country yet my mum serving some bloke pissed me off.

"it's cool. i've got my bike, i'll give you a lift. i've got detention with mr jefferson but i'd rather drive you, c'mon." shane said simply, walking out of school and into the rain. i did my best not to show how surprised i was at this gesture, because from his exterior personality that everyone perceived, this was not how he usually acted.

i flinched as the cool water hit me and i pulled my hoodie over my head, groaning as i told him my address. shane jumped on the vehicle and looked at me expectedly, waiting for me to get on. i hesitated before climbing onto the motorbike, and when i asked shane if he had helmets he simply laughed and revved the engine. i squealed and grabbed his waist in fright as he pulled out of the car park, and i watched as girls stared with envy at him.

"they're all staring at us." i commented and frowned once we were on the road. shane smirked.

"no, they're staring at you. because you're on my bike." he replied taking a hand off the steering bars to reposition my hands on his waist. i blushed and thought about it. i'd never seen anyone on shane's bike, and i would've noticed due to the amount of engine revving he does before pulling away. "you're gonna fall off if you hold me so lightly and sit so far back. move forward so your stomach is against my back and wrap your arms around me." he told me in a commanding tone, making my cheeks heat up as i did as he told me.

my stomach was now completely against his back as we drove, and i felt hot with embarrassment at how close we were. i was sixteen and, shamefully, i'd never been this close to a boy before.  i'd never even kissed someone, which was pretty embarrassing baring in mind the majority of year eleven have lost their virginity and had a few boyfriends or girlfriends already.

it wasn't that i didn't want to kiss or have sex with someone, the opportunity just hadn't come about. i hadn't met someone that made butterflies form in my stomach every time i saw them or caused little sparks every time we touched. yet every now and then i had to remember that those feelings only existed in the movies, and that first kisses weren't full of fire works and excitement and passion, rather just two people touching lips.

we finally pulled up outside my house and i jumped off, feeling slightly petrified from the speed we'd driven at and woozy from being so close to shane for over half an hour. he didn't seem to mind that i'd kept quiet for the whole ride and rested my head against his shoulder. when i finally started to relax and enjoy the drive, my hand accidentally slipped to his leg and brushed his thigh for a second or two, making him tense and adjust his position on the bike, taking a hand off the bars and moving my hand back up to his waist.

"thanks for the lift." i said and smiled slightly. he shook his head with a smile and climbed off the bike too, pulling it into park and leaning against it as he watched me walk to my door. as i pushed my key into the door, shane said my name, causing me to turn around.

"i'm still waiting for you to invite me in." he smirked, biting his lower lip and causing me to blush for the hundredth time today.

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