Chapter 2

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After hours of driving, they arrive at the building, a three-story structure outside the city limits, isolated from society. Everyone exits the vehicle and the bus pulls away leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. It drives back down the dirt road and disappears from sight. Scorching, saffron beams beat down and reflect off the silver chain-link fence which surrounds the modern day structure that sits alone at the top of a hill. Outside the enclosure are several trees with brown, singed leaves hanging loosely off brittle branches. 

Britt squints to shield her sensitive baby blues from the glare. The others stand uncomfortably, parched mouths, clammy skin, waiting to go inside the building. Dr. Sacavage adjusts her Ray-Bans, clears her throat and faces her audience.

"I am Dr. Eva Sacavage. You will address me as Dr. Sacavage. I will be working alongside Dr. Cole Sinnott, the gentleman standing to my left, and Dr. Delphia Hale, the woman standing to my right. We are going to be together for the next four weeks. During that time, you will be subjected to different treatments and various tests. Anyone not fully cooperating will be put into the box," Eva says, pointing to a small wooden structure adjacent to the building.

"That's not even tall enough to stand in!" Quinn blurts out.

"Is that dissidence I hear?" Eva says, looking around, her eyes scanning each of their faces.


"Good. It seems we have an understanding," Eva says.

Quinn bites her lip to keep from saying anything else. She looks around at the others. Is anyone else feeling like she is? She can't tell. She stands, shoulders hunched, next to her partner, looking for any sign of understanding in his face, but can't get a read on his emotions.

Xander, towering over her by several inches, stands erect, broad shoulders locked into position, his gaze off in the distance. On the other side of her is Jonah - fifteen years old with hair dark as coal and more piercings than days in the week. He barely glances in Quinn's direction. Even though she is strikingly beautiful - piercing green eyes, shimmering red waves flowing down her back and more curves than an Indy 500 racetrack, Jonah is more interested in Hope, a raven-haired animal activist with a nose ring.

Delphia signals to Eva. Two-by-two, the teens are led inside the building. A burst of cool air escapes as the doors electronically seal. They revel in the chill as Cole removes the shackles binding them together.

"I'd like the girls to line up in front of Dr. Sacavage and the boys in front of Dr. Sinnott. This will be your home for the next four weeks. You'll each be given a uniform which you'll wear until your release," Delphia says.

Hope lets out a sigh which doesn't go unnoticed.

"Conformity and uniformity will be key to your success and the success of the program. Anyone preferring to spend the next year in an overcrowded prison can speak up now," Delphia says, looking straight at Hope.

Vaughn fidgets in place as he blows the red curls out of his eye. He hates when his hair falls in his face, but was arrested before he could get it cut. He glances over at the others, quietly awaiting further instruction. They seem so different from him. Not nervous. Not about to lose control of their bowels. He cringes as Eva passes out the uniforms to the girls and waits as Cole hands each of the boys a plastic bag containing grey pants and matching grey shirt.

"Once inside your rooms, you'll change into the uniform, place your street clothes in the plastic bag and seal it. The bag will have your name preprinted on it. We'll collect your belongings and they'll be kept in my office until your release," Delphia says.

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