Chapter 12

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The treatments continue. Hour after hour, Eva hooks up the headset and electrodes, mercilessly delving each of the teens into a virtual world of their worst fears. One after the other, they are traumatized and sickened until the first round of treatments is complete.

For the next step in the program, the teens are assembled in the auditorium. They fidget in their seats as Eva steps into the spotlight and grabs the microphone from Delphia's hand.

"You have all survived the first step on your road to rehabilitation. Some of you barely so, but do not fear, there will be several more tests and treatments for each of you to prove yourself," Eva says, her voice filling the air.

"Oh, great. More tests and treatments. I was so worried I wouldn't get another chance to prove myself," Hope says to herself, rolling her eyes.

"For the next test, you will each come on stage and answer a series of questions. Depending on your response, you will either go on to the next step or be placed in remediation therapy," Eva says, glaring at the teens.

She hands the microphone to Delphia and takes her place in the audience next to Cole.

"Thank you, Dr. Sacavage. Since Miss Rayner can't be with us right now, we will begin with Mr. Landry. Please take your place on stage, Mr. Landry."

"Where's Britt?" Jonah whispers to Hope as Vaughn rises from his seat.

"Sacavage did something to her. Don't know what. She wouldn't say," Hope whispers back.

"You don't think she..."

"There will be no whispering," Eva bellows.

Vaughn waits in the spotlight, standing on the mark center stage, ready to answer all their questions.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Landry? Dr. Sinnott said you were a little ill after the first treatment."

"I'm feeling much better now, Dr. Hale. I'm ready to continue in the program. Ask me whatever questions you need to. I'll answer everything," Vaughn says.

"Listen to him. He's such a suck up," Hope whispers to Jonah.

"Shh," Quinn whispers. "He's trying to follow the program. You should be doing the same."

"What the hell happened to her?" Jonah says. She was never quiet before. Now she's giving advice?"

"Don't ask. The zombies ate her brain. She's one of them now," Hope says softly.

"I said there will be no whispering! Miss Tansy, please rise. You obviously did not learn your lesson from the first time you were in the box. Perhaps you need a refresher. A little longer this time. And no food. You will spend the next two days in the box. No food. No water," Eva says.

"You can't do that!" Hope shrieks.

"I am in charge of this program and I can do as I see fit. You will learn discipline and obedience. Even if it kills you," Eva says.

"Dr. Sacavage! We're not here to torture these children. Our job is to teach, not punish," Delphia says.

"I will decide what we are here to do," Eva says.

"No, you won't. This is my program, not yours. We will make decisions together. You were brought on board to assist me, not take over," Delphia says.

"I will not discuss this with you. Not now. Not in front of the prisoners," Eva says.

"This isn't a prison. It's a behavior modification center. You seem to be losing sight of that," Delphia says.

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