Chapter 3

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Delphia steps onto the stage, lifts the microphone out of the stand, and faces her audience.

"Can everyone hear me okay?" Delphia says, some slight feedback echoing her voice.

Everyone nods their head in affirmation.

"Good, then we can begin. The first person to speak is Britt Rayner. Miss Rayner, you'll come up on stage, take the microphone, and tell us about yourself. Start with your name, age, and why you're here."

Britt gets out of her seat and starts walking toward the stage. She trips on her pants which are clearly too long for her. After almost falling on her face, she rolls them up and takes her place next to Delphia. Her stomach flutters as she reaches for the microphone.

"You're going to do fine. Just relax and speak freely. Everyone here is in the same position as you," Delphia says, a soft smile forming.

She steps to the side to give Britt center stage.

"Hi, everyone. I'm Britt Rayner. I'm thirteen. I'm supposed to be starting high school in the fall. That is, if I'm out of this place."

"Tell everyone why you're here," Delphia says.

"Because my parents didn't want me to go to prison. They stuck me in this place instead. They think..."

"Maybe I should have been more clear. Tell us why you were arrested," Delphia says, starting to get flustered.

"I took a car."

Britt pauses. She stares into the audience at the bewildered faces staring back at her.

"But I had a good reason."

"Why would you steal a car? You can't even drive. You're too young," Quinn blurts out.

"There will be no interruptions when someone is on the stage. You will all get a chance to speak. The first lesson you will learn is to take turns and not interrupt," Eva says.

"Even though Miss Ryder rudely interrupted while Miss Rayner was speaking, she did bring up a valid point. Why did you steal a car that you couldn't even drive?" Delphia asks.

"I didn't steal it. I just took it temporarily. I had to."

"Please explain, Miss Rayner."

"It was part of the senior prank. I wasn't gonna keep Principal Osborne's car. He was just supposed to see it missing from his parking spot, freak a little, and then I was gonna put it back. It would have been hysterical. He wasn't supposed to call the cops. It's not my fault he reported it stolen before I could get it back."

"Did you act alone?"

"I was the only one who got in trouble," Britt says.

"Were there others who assisted in the theft?" Delphia asks.

"It wasn't a theft. It was a prank. He just had no sense of tradition. The seniors pull a prank like that every year," Britt says.

"Did someone take his car every year?" Delphia asks.

"Well, no. They usually do something to the statue in the front of the school. Put a dress on it or something. I just wanted to do something different. Shake things up a little bit. I didn't think..."

"Exactly, Miss Rayner. You didn't think. Actions have consequences. You may be seated. The next one to speak will be Vaughn Landry. Will you please take the stage, Mr. Landry," Delphia says.

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