Chapter 11

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Cole opens the door to the boys' quarters and Vaughn stumbles inside, pale, weak and disoriented.

"Mr. Gray, take care of Mr. Landry. He didn't do very well in his treatment."

"He's green," Ender says, easing Vaughn onto his cot.

"He should be fine after a night's rest. It's all part of the treatment," Cole says.

"What'd you do to him?" Jonah asks.

"You're about to find out. It's your turn, Mr. Wells."

When Cole turns his back, Ender winks at Jonah. Jonah nods in acknowledgment, then follows Cole out of the room. The door clicks shut and the questions start flying.

"What did they do to you in that room? What was the treatment?" Ender asks.

"Yeah, did they use drugs? What got you sick?" Xander asks.

"I really don't wanna talk about it. I just wanna sleep for a week," Vaughn says.

"Come on. We need to stick together. This place isn't what they pretend it is," Ender says.

"What are you talking about? Of course it is. They're keeping us out of prison, aren't they?" Vaughn says.

"They're keeping us out of the traditional prison cell, but it's not without us paying a price."

"It's not that bad. It's four weeks and then we'll be free," Vaughn says.

"How can you be so calm about it? You're the color of spinach," Ender says.

"I have a sensitive stomach."

"What did they do?" Ender says, his face getting hot.

"They put some kind of virtual reality thing on my head. Made me feel like I was back in the store when I got caught. Only it wasn't just the store owner there. My parents were there. The cops. I couldn't get away. All I kept hearing was how disappointed they were in me. I wanted to disappear. I tried to leave, but I couldn't because the cops had me cuffed. I had to just stand there until it finally stopped."

"How did it stop?" Ender asks.

"I felt a sharp pain. Like a bee sting. Then I got really sick and threw up on my parents. Then on the cops. The next thing I remember is Dr. Sacavage taking the headset off and disconnecting the electrodes. Then Dr. Sinnott brought me back here."

"They do shock therapy on you?" Xander asks.

"Nah, just made me feel like I was back in the store reliving the worst moments of my life. Part of me knew it wasn't real, but I could see it all so clearly. I felt like I was really there."

"Why didn't you just close your eyes?" Ender asks.

"You can't. If you try, it gets worse. The pain... The pain was... I had to keep them open. You'll see. It's easier if you keep your eyes open. Just give in. Do what they want. Conformity is key," Vaughn says.

"I'll never give in! They can shove it if they think I'm gonna just do whatever they want," Xander says.

"Remember that attitude, but don't show them," Ender says. "They need to believe we're following the program so we can get out of this place. Just don't let them get in your head. Stay strong."

"What do you think happens if we don't finish the program?" Xander asks.

"That's not an option. It's our only chance for survival. Things are going to be changing in the outside world. Drastic changes. We're the first part in their experiment," Ender says.

"What experiment?" Xander asks.

"To get rid of all the crime in the country."

"How they planning to do that?" Xander asks.

"Mind control. They're going to take away our ability to think for ourselves."

"Never gonna happen. There's no way I'm letting them in my head. Nobody tells me what to think. Nobody!" Xander says.

"That's why we need to know what kind of tests they're going to do on us. We need to protect ourselves while letting them believe they're winning," Ender says.

"That sounds like a lot of work. I don't think I can do it," Vaughn says.

"You have to."

"Wouldn't it be easier to do what they want?"

"Easier? I suppose. But don't you want to have a mind of your own? Don't you want to have your own thoughts?" Ender says.

"Don't you wanna fit in with society?"

"Not if it means giving up who I am," Ender says.

"It's not that bad. Conformity is key."

"Why do you keep saying that? What does it even mean?" Ender asks.

"It means I want to get out of here in 25 days. Whatever they want me to do, I'm gonna do it," Vaughn says.

"Maybe he's too far gone," Xander says.

"He can't be. That's not an option."

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