mute child

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~~~~Third person pov~~~~

A small house stood alone in the forest. To most, it just looked like an abandoned house. But to the leaf, it was a hideout of a corrupted man that they needed to infiltrate. A team of leaf ninja stood outside with the head interrogator standing in front of multiple ANBU.

"Search it. They are most likely secret passageways. Now go." Ibiki spoke.

The ANBU went in and one of the youngest found a secret door. He pulled out a kunai and kneeled down. He looked around to see cells but all the people in them were dead. So whoever stayed here and did this to these people must have known of the leaf and killed everyone so they can't find them.

The young ANBU kept walking and suddenly stopped when he saw the last living person down there. A young girl with knotted dirty bloody hair that you could barely tell was brown. She had dull amber eyes and her small body was covered in muck a blood so bad you could barely see her skin.

The ANBU broke into the cell and walked up to the child. She instinctively flinched away making the ANBU stop. He kneeled down to the girl's hight.

"Hey there. I'm an ANBU from the leaf. We've been told to get any survivors out of here. So please let me help you." The ANBU said in a gentle voice.

She moved away from him but it was barely unnoticeable because she was so weak. He went touch her but she back away.

"What's your name?" He asked.

She didn't reply and curled into herself to protect herself. The ANBU sighed and stood up not sure what to do. He didn't want to forcibly take her because the stress could kill her while in the condition she was in.

"Okay kid. I have to pick you up so I can take you to my village to get you treated." The ANBU spoke.

He picked her up cautiously and she tensed in his arms. He held her small frail broody close to him as he walked out. All the others were back outside and when they saw the ANBU carrying the child they watch closely.

"She's was the only one alive. She's extremely weak. The people who were here killed everyone but she managed to survive. She refuses to speak but it might just be because of how weak she is." The ANBU told Ibiki.

Ibiki nodded and they went on there way back to the leaf. The whole time the young girl stayed awake despite the attempts the ANBU make for her to sleep to keep her strength up. When they got back to the leaf they went to report to the Hokage but the young ANBU with the child went to the hospital.

They took her into emergency care for she should be dead in the condition she was in. The Hokage and Ibiki stood in the waiting room waiting to be able to see the girl. After hours of waiting she was finally in a stable condition.

They walked in to see the young girl now cleaned up. She had short brown hair and amber eyes. He skin was quite pale but that could be from blood loss. She was covered in bandages and she laid down.Ibiki walked up and observed her carefully. She didn't meet his gaze and tried to avoid looking at them all together.

"What's your name kid?" Ibiki asked.

The child didn't respond irritating Ibiki.

"How old are you?" He asked.

She still didn't respond and Ibiki's jaw noticeably tighter.

"Child you have to tell us or we can't help you." The Hokage spoke gently.

She again didn't respond. Ibiki was about to say something but stopped when the doctor walked in. He had a distressed look on his face. He walked up to the child and took a close look at her neck. He went to touch it but she flinched away.

"I have to make sure the tests were right." He said.

He touched her throat and felt around. He looked down sadly and turned to the Hokage and Ibiki.

"Questioning her won't do much. She's mute. Her vocal cords are damaged beyond repair." The doctor said sadly.

Ibiki and the Hokage looked at the child with pity. She just looked away.

"How old do you think she is?" The Hokage asked.

"She's eight years old." The doctor said.

The Hokage nodded. The doctor left leaving Ibiki the Hokage and the child alone. Ibiki walked next o the child and looked her straight into her eyes.

"Do you have a name?" He asks.

She slowly shook her hand saying no. The Hokage sighed and they both left the hospital room and went to his office to speak.


~~~~kids pov~~~~

I sat in the strange room in complete silence. Why was I here why did they save me? Why did they apparently want to help me? I sat up and looked at the window viewing the strange place I was in. I raised my hand and let it hover over my neck. Why did they have to take my voice away? Why did they to those cruel things to me?

I looked around the room. I could easily escape this room. I knew how to after all in that place I had to learn to fight. They said something about training me to be their weapon. I got out of the bed and walked straight out of the room. I navigated my way through the halls with no one seeing me. I made my way out of the large building and through the streets with all the people. I got strange looks and it made me feel uncomfortable.

I slightly shook my head. I just had to get out of this strange place. What if they just wanted to use me like those people. What if they do horrible things to me. I can't stay here. I had to get out. I walked through the streets and ended up bumping into someone and falling to the ground.

I looked up to see a young boy with bright yellow hair and blue eyes. He began to panic.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

He outstretched his hand I instinctively flinched away expecting him to hit me but when the impact didn't come I looked at him confused. His hand was still outstretched to me and I tilted my head in confusion.

"Let me help you up." He said.

I took his hand and he pulled me up. I stood up and looked at the boy and he looked at me. Why didn't he hurt me? I've never met someone who hasn't hurt me.

"I'm sorry about knocking you down." He said.

I gave him a small nod and just kept looking at him. I then felt someone behind me and I looked at them to see the man with the bandana and scars. The one that was in the strange room with me.

"What are you doing kid!" He asked lowly.

I didn't respond mainly because I couldn't. The man sighed and lifted me up. He began walking away but I didn't struggle. I looked at the yellow-haired boy to see him looking at us confused.

The man carried me into a room with the old man and placed me down. I stood and looked at the old man.

"So child we know nothing about you, however, it seems you don't know much about yourself. I have decided to keep you in the leaf. You will live with Ibiki because he has officially adopted you. Right now is a break period for the academy students so the teacher of the class you'll be in will teach you stuff during this break. Also, Ibiki will be training you. If you need anything go to Ibiki or myself." The old man explained.

I gave a small nod. I wasn't too happy about this. but I decided to go with it considering I was at their mercy and they could kill me if the wanted. The old man smiled and dismissed up and Scarface or I guess my dad now took me to my new home.

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