leaf attacked by snakes

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I woke up to the sounds of destruction. I sat up only for the pain to shoot through me. I gripped my side in pain to see it bandaged up while I wore a loose hospital gown.

I looked out the window and my eyes narrowed as I saw a snake. I jumped out the window despite the pain. I threw a rock at the snake distracting it from the old lady and child it was attacking.the snake turned on me and I gulped. I was injured and has no weapons. what on earth was I thinking?

The snake cams down on me but I felt someone pick me up. I looked up to see Sasuke as he carried me bridal style. He looked towards the snake then in another direction. I followed his gaze to see a redhead boy.

Sasuke places me down before performing a lightning style jutsu on the snake. He then picked me up again and ran towards the boy. When we got into the forest area he sat me on a tree branch. He handed me a few ninja tools so I could defend myself if needed.

"Stay here." He said.

"Thank you, Sasuke." I signed.

He looked at me for a second before continuing toward the boy. I sat on the tree as I gripped my side in pain.

My eyes narrowed when I heard footsteps and I looked down to see ninja from the sound. My jaw clenched. Sasuke is going to be mad but who cares. I stood up hiding my presence. I looked at the five kunai three paper bombs and ten sebon. I then looked at the twenty-five sound ninja.

I could take out ten easily with the sebon leaving fifteen then I could take out another five with the kunai leaving ten. And if I was smart I could take out the rest, with the three paper bombs. Now I wasn't sure which order to go in yet.

I thought about it for a few seconds. However, my time to think came to an end when one looked towards my direction. He then seemed to tense as he looked around. So they knew someone was here.

I jumped from the tree and planted the three paper bombs around. I jumped back into the trees and threw three kunai and they hit the paper bombs but also hit three sound ninja.

They looked around confused and their eyes widened when they saw the paper bombs. But they realised it too late.  The bombs went off taking out ten people. That left fifteen but ten were injured. But I still only hand twelve ninja tools. I pulled out the sebon and threw them. Each one hit a vital spot killing ten people. Now the five that weren't injured were left.

I held the two kunai in my hands and I gulped. I looked at my hands to see blood. I tried to wipe it off but it didn't come off. I closed my eyes as my body shook.

my fists clenched as I thought about the village and all the lives that have probably been stolen away. I held the kunai firmly as my resolve strengthened. For my village, I will be drenched in as much blood as needed.

I jumped down and slit one of the ninja's neck before again hiding in the trees. I winced at the pain that shot through my body. I shook my head pushing the pain to the side. I could deal with it later.

I jumped Down again killing another leaving three left. One came up behind me and I spun around stabbing him. Two left. One came head first to me and I jumped up and then behind the ninja killing him. One left. However, this one just watched the whole thing with a blank expression.

"Orochimaru told us about you. Apparently, a contact of his wants you alive. It's a shame I can't kill you." The man spoke.

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