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I finished eating dinner and after giving Sasuke and Naruto a hard lecture about eating to much I went to my room. however, when I knew everyone was asleep I slipped out of the house and wandered through the village to an open shop. It was about to close, but I had just enough time to get what I wanted. I found two bells and purchased them. I tied the two bells around my left wrist. hopefully, I'll scare my team less now.

I began walking back to the house but I stopped in my tracks feeling that I was surrounded. my eyes darted all around me. fifteen people have surrounded me. I bit my lip in frustration. I'm such an idiot. how didn't I realise them moving in and surrounding me? I went to pull out a kunai but a kunai was thrown past me and pierced a wall to my right. that was to close.

"try anything and I won't miss next time." A familiar male voice.

I looked to where the voice came from to see a shadowy figure standing on a roof. he's one of the people from that place. he's not a high-rank meaning he will love to capture me and be promoted.

"to think you're still alive. the boss killed you that day. so why are you here now?" He asked.

take out the leader and the rest shall fall soon after. meaning if I take him out the others should flee or make a dumb move and attack me. I put my hands in defeat and began to walk backwards until my back hit the wall that was to my right. I heard him laugh and he jumped down showing himself. he began to walk towards me and watched his movements carefully. He took one more step and that was all I needed. I grabbed the kunai he threw before from the wall and cut him across his chest.

He gripped the wound in pain. the others jumped down and came to attack me. I could tell they were newbies to the organisation because they didn't know about me. I stabbed the injured guy in the back so he still lived but was completely paralyzed from where I stabbed him between his shoulder blades down. I damaged his spinal cord. so now if I needed I could get information from him. yea I was definitely raised by Ibiki.

I hid in the shadows and took the bells off my wrist and into my pocket. They looked around completely shocked. my talent was stealth which is why people should never rush at me without thought. when they rushed at people without thinking they weren't focusing on me they were focusing on themselves and how they would attack giving me the perfect opportunity to disappear.

I pulled out another kunai and spun it around my finger. the light of the moon reflected off the blade. the paralysed man saw it but he realised it too late. I threw the kunai and it pierced the skull of one of the people and they fell limply to the ground.

'be careful she a natural assassin." The injured man said in a pained voice.

even if I was the best assassin which I'm not I'm just a genin but if I was it would still be a dumb move to try and take on all these people alone. now there were only thirteen that could fight. however, I was a twelve-year-old genin and I knew my own strength and I knew I couldn't take all of them. which now raises the question how to get out of this situation without letting them return and tell their boss that I'm alive.

as I thought this lighting shot at them and my eyes widened when they all fell to the ground and Kakashi who was still using crutches stood in front of me. I gave him a nervous smile while he looked at me seriously. he obviously wasn't impressed. I helped him move the bodies off the street and buried them.

"why did you leave in the middle of the night. who were those people and why were they attacking you?" Kakashi asked.

"it' a long story." I spelled out using sign language.

"I'm waiting." He said.

I explained to him who they were and when I did he seemed to understand more and be less mad at me. then why I was out so late came up. I pulled the bells out of my pocket before tieing it around my left wrist again.

"I always scare my teammates because I'm so quiet but it's second nature now so I thought these would help me scare them less." I explained.

he sighed before we both walked back to the house. I went to my shared room with Sakra and went to sleep. tonight was a big night. let's just hope my existence doesn't reach that man.

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