forest of death

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I sat in a field looking at the sky but my eyes narrowed sensing the ANbu near me. However, the churning feeling came to my stomach. I sat up and looked towards the buildings. I held my stomach as I became nauseous. Something wasn't right. Times like this I wish Naruto was around but he was in the forest of death doing the chunin exam.

I heard someone land behind me and s hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Hisoka the ANBU watching I've me. I turned my gaze from him and looked back to the distance.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head looking down. Something g was wrong but I didn't know what. The ANBU was smart enough to figure that much out. I heard him sigh and he stood up and went to go back into hiding. However, he turned to me again and spoke.

"Let me hell you kid. It's my job and Ibiki will have my head if I let you get hurt." He said.

I ignored him. He jumped away leaving me somewhat alone. With him around, I was never alone. It was good and bad. I knew I was protected but I knew he was being put in danger. Plus he's keeping a very close eye on me. The Hokage probably told him about my stealth. How troublesome. I mean if I really tried I probably could get away but that's only a maybe.

my eyes narrowed when I saw something shine from the corner of my eye. I looked towards the tree and gritted my teeth in annoyance. I can't do anything but thankfully I don't think Hisoka noticed. I stood up and walked towards where the shinning was. I got there before Hisoka and I grabbed a note that was held on the tree by a kunai. I took it like nothing happened and kept walking.

I made my whole home and into my room. The ANBU was outside giving me the perfect opportunity to read this note. I took it out and read it carefully.

You sure have made things difficult my little puppet but I still have my ways. If I'm correct your friends are in the forest of death. Well, I can get in there. I'm probably watching them as you read this. I could easily kill them. However, if you hand yourself over to me then I'll leave them be. But you can't tell anyone about this it has to be our little secret. So lose that ANBU watching over you and meet me where you got this letter tomorrow the same time I took your voice. I'll be waiting for you my little puppet.

I froze after reading the note. My friends are in danger. I have to help them. Even if it means I go to that man. I just have  I come up with a way to lose the ANBU watching me. This is is annoying. I don't want to go to him. But if it's a choice between losing my freedom and protecting my friends or keeping my freedom and letting the dye I will always go with that man.

This is so stupid. Why did I have to make connections with people? Why can't I be heartless? This is so stupid. I can't believe I'm going to have to hand myself over willing.

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