we can still be friends

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It was the middle of the night and I just woke up from a nightmare. I was shaking uncontrollably as I felt tears sting my eyes. I forced them back. I'm not allowed to cry. I can't I'll be punished like back then.

I got out of bed and tiptoed through the house. I peeked into Ibiki's room to see him still sleeping. I went back to my room and climbed out the window and onto the roof. I laid down taking deep breaths. I raised my hand to my throats and shivered from memories and the cold air.

I heard a window open and I looked at the window that was in Ibiki's room to see him looking up at me.

"Kid what are you doing up there?" He asked obviously annoyed.

I simply shrugged. I heard him groan as he motioned for me to come in. I jumped into Ibiki's room and he took a closer look at me.

"Why are you up so late?" He asked with a groan.

I looked away from him and thought back to the dream.

A whip came down on my small body. They soon picked me up by the neck and threw me into a wall. A small whimper escaped my mouth and I went to speak only to be kicked in the gut. I coughed and ended up spewing. My small body shiver and the man continue to beat me.

"You fucking bitch. I swear I wish I could kill you but the boss doesn't want you dead yet. Better be happy you could hold something useful to us." He spat with venom.

He once again picked me up by the neck and pushed me against a wall. He harshly punched my stomach and I once again spewed. The man grabbed a kunai and cut me multiple times. I felt my vision blur as I soon passed out.

I shivered in fear as the dream replayed itself in my mind. I walked out of the room not wanting to look any weaker in front of Ibiki. I went into my room and sat on my bed thinking. I laid down and looked out my window at the stars not wanting to go back to sleep. I couldn't find refuge from my memories in my sleep nor while being conscious. I was doomed to forever be haunted by my memories.

I spent the rest of the night awake and when Ibiki woke up for the day I walked out of my room and he looked down at me. He kneeled in front of me and grabbed my face and I flinched away. I wasn't use to people touching me if not to hurt me. I heard him sigh as he stood straight.

"Go take a shower and get ready you're going to the academy again while I go to TI." Ibiki informed.

I gave a small nod and took a shower and got into the cloths Ibiki got for me yesterday. He walked me to the academy before waving goodbye to me. I sat in the class with Iruka as he continued to teach me how to read and write. After a few hours, Iruka allowed me to take a break.

I took this time to walked around the village a bit and ended up hitting someone again and falling to the ground. I looked up to see Naruto and he looked shocked. He reached his hand out and I took it and he lifted me up. I gave him a small smile.

"We have to stop meeting like this." Naruto mumbled.

I, of course, didn't respond and he looked at me weird.

"I've never heard you speak before." He said in thought.

I grabbed his hand I spelled out I can't talk I'm mute. He looked at me shocked and I just looked down nervously. But then he gave me a large smile before grabbing my hand.

"I don't care that your mute. We can still be friends. I have to show you the best place to eat ramen. I'll pay for you." He said happily.

He dragged to a small shop and we both sat down. 

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