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I rolled my shoulders looking back at home with the lights out. I managed to sneak out but thankfully I did. it was night and I needed to meet him now. I found my way to the place and sat by a tree. I can't believe I'm doing this. I never want to return to him. but for my friends, I would do anything. even go back to my nightmare. 

I heard footsteps and looked up to see one of his underlinings. He walked up to me and grabbed my chin making me look up at him. it took all I had to hold back my glare. He only laughed before slapping me hard. so hard my head turned roughly to the side. yea that was going to leave a mark. 

"I've heard a lot about you. anyway, it seems the boss has some things to deal with so you get to stay a bit longer. however, if you tell anyone about this he will kill everyone you care for. he'll contact you when he's ready." The man said before leaving.

I got up and rushed home I got into bed glad no one noticed my absence. the ANBU watching me now thought it was empty threats so he took it lightly. I laid down and fell into a restless sleep. 


A few days passed and the test was over for around a month. I was walking the village as a sick feeling came to my stomach.I ran my finger through my fringe which covered half my face so my bruised cheek was hidden. 

 I then noticed a bunch of Naruto's talking with a man with long white hair with a scroll on his back. when Naruto saw me he suddenly stopped. He ran up to me and smile. I gave a forced smile back which of course he noticed was fake. he looked at me worried and I just gave him a strained smile. His lips pressed together in worry. 

"you okay?" He asked. 

I gave and nod and kept my smile. He sighed and brought his hand to my face with confusion. My breath got caught in my throat when he brushed the hair slightly out of my face. I took and step back quickly. Please, let him have missed the bruise. He gave me another smile. 

"If you need anything come to me Shizuko. I'm here for you." He said with confidence. 

I nodded before turning away and leaving. I had my churning stomach. What was happening? I kept walking and bumped into someone. I fell to the ground and looked up to see Sasuke. He glared at me before huffing and walking away. I looked at him confused. his eyes. they were different. I looked down and clasped my beating heart. I'm an idiot. I have a stupid crush on the Uchiha. it's stupid. he doesn't care about me. 

I stood up and dusted myself off before I continued walking. 


Naruto stood In front of Jiraiya shaking in anger. Jiraiya looked at Naruto confused. Naruto punched a wall in rage.

"teach me how to protect someone properly. How dare someone touch her." Naruto growled. 

Naruto saw the bruise on Shizuko's face and it took all he had not to snap in front of her because it knew it would upset her. It's not like Naruto loved her he loved Sakura but Shizuko was still Naruto's best friend. 

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