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The chunin exams started today and Ibiki was holding the first stage meaning I was bored. I was in TI sitting in Ibiki' difficult where Shikaku was doing paperwork. I watched him but got bored so I began drawing weird doodles of him.

"Why don't you go do something fun. You shouldn't be dying of boredom here." Shikaku said.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to get rid of me?" I asked.

He looked at me and I rolled my eyes but left. What could I do? The people I usually hang around with are doing the chunin exam. I guess I could go train. I pouted and walked through the village until I came to my usual training spot. the highest tree I could find.

I cracked my knuckles as I looked up. I got the stopwatch that I hid by the tree and held it firmly. it usually took me three and a half minutes to get up this huge ass tree, so let's see if I've gotten better.

I started the stopwatch and grabbed the lowest branch before jumping from branch to branch up. I had to bend my body in weird ways to get past the twisted branches but I got halfway up the tree in two minutes. I rolled my eyes at myself. I'm getting rusty. after another minute and fifteen seconds, I was nearly at the top but I was also in the most complicated area of the tree. only fifteen seconds left before my usual time.

My eyes narrowed and I grabbed the branch above me and swung myself up and hooked my legs on the branch above it so I hung upside down before grabbing it with my hand and pulling myself up. I then lept up of multiple branches before finally reaching the top. I looked at the stopwatch to see I was five second behind, my usual time. I scolded myself and the loss of time. 

I went to get down but I felt a blade press against the back of my neck. I didn't sense them. I looked to the side to see familiar black long shaggy hair. my eyes narrowed and I spun around grabbing the mans arm only to be thrown out of the tree. As I went to grab a branch an arm wrapped around my waist. I kicked the man in the face before jumping through the branches and hiding.

"My you sure have grown in skill. That will be useful when you're under my control again." A deep voice spoke.

He turned towards me and threw a kunai but I dodged it and hid better this time.

"You've become quite the slippery one, haven't you. Well, I needed a good workout anyway." He said rolling his shoulders.

I stayed hidden and tried to control my breathing. How the fuck did he get into the leaf undetected. I didn't think he would come so soon. I thought I had more time to prepare. Fuck what do I do? I'm alone and there's no way I can take him on. He a previous jounin from the sound. I'm just a genin.

Maybe I can find Kakashi. No, I don't have enough time. That man will find me soon anyway. Meaning my only chance is to try and take him on. I'm not good with brute strength. meaning I would send many little attacks, at him and try to hit as many vital spots as possible. This was going to be difficult.

A/N I have read through this book to check where I was in the story only to realise the number of typos. I won't be updating a new part until I've gone through and edit because I cringed at all the mistakes. But without fails, one cannot achieve their goals. So I'm going to learn from these mistakes. Sorry that there's going to be a bit of a wait.

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