Sasuke leaves

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I walked alone in the now dark village. Today was hard. Those two boys could have killed each other. I walked into my home to see Ibiki there. I smiled and I gave him a hug. He hugged back.

We sat on the couch together. I laid on his lap as drowsiness overcame me. I snuggled into dad more as I passed out.

~~~~third person POV~~~~

Ibiki picked up Shizuko and took her to her room. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead. He left the house to go to TI. Once the locked the front door someone entered Shizuko's room from her open window.

The person stood next to her bed and ran his fingers through the girl's hair. The young Uchiha stood above her and looked down at her with slight remorse in his eyes.

"These feelings for you are a burden. You're a burden. It would best if I killed you so I could just focus on my brother. And yet I can't bring myself to do it. You're the one person who didn't care about my name or reputation. You don't see me as some cool guy. You see me as a person and you've somehow wormed your way into my heart. Stupid woman. Hn." Sasuke mumbled.

He leaned down to the sleeping girl and hovered over her for a moment. He moved down a bit and planted a gentle kiss on Shizuko's lips. He stood up and spared one last glance at the girl.

"I was lucky to meet someone like you Shizuko." He said.

The wind blew in Sasuke was gone.

~~~~Shizuko's POV~~~~

I opened my eyes and looked around my dark room. I rubbed my eyes and looked to the open window. Was someone here.

I brushed the feeling off. I laid back down and went or got I sleep. As I did I looked outside and that bad feeling came back. What was going to happen? I again fell asleep only to be welcomed with nightmares.

When I awoke I looked outside to see an Annu combing towards me. It was Hisoka.

"Lady Hokage wants to speak to you." He said.

I nodded and got ready. Seems I'm going to see the new Hokage. When I walked in I saw Shikamaru standing there. The air around us was heavy. It seemed I was about to learn why I was getting that bad feeling.

"Sasuke has left the village. We need to get him back. Shizuko you have something else to do. Go with Hisoka he has more information." She said.

Shikamaru left and I went with Hisoka. However, I found my way to the main gates first to see the team. I walked up and heard the promise Naruto made to Sakura. I walked up to Naruto and he smiled. I gave him and hug before looking at him worried.

"Naruto promise me something-" I began to use sign language but was cut off.

"I promise I'll bring Sasuke-" He began but I shook my head.

"No. Make me a life promise that you'll always come back home alive. Promise me that Naruto." I signed.

He looked at me shocked before giving me a wide smile and pointing at his headband.

"I promise Shizuko so don't you worry." He said.

They went off. Now I had to go help Hisoka with making sure Sasuke or Orochimaru didn't take anything from the lead.

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