a bond growing

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I was sitting in my cell however someone walked in and wrapped chains around me. They dragged me into a small arena and another person around my age walked out. I was pushed in a fell to the ground.

I looked up to the boy knowing what we had to do. We had to fight for our life's. he ran and grabbed a dagger and walked up towards me. I stayed on the ground with no more will to fight. They took my voice away a few days before this and I was broken. He glared at me and I met his gaze with a blank stare waiting for him to kill me.

"Why won't you fight back. why not look at me with hate." He asked is a shaky voice.

I looked down and raised my hand to my throat. My hand went limp and I waited for it to all end.

The boy came up to me with trembling hands. I waited for the end to finally come. However, it didn't I instead I heard the dagger fall to the ground. I looked to the boy to see him shaking looking at his hands. then my eyes went wide when a blade went through his stomach and he fell limply to the ground. I was grabbed by the hair and pulled into my cell before I was beaten.

It was full of pain and I wanted it all to end. Someone, please save me. I want it to end please. No one is going to save me. So please. Kill me!

My body was roughly shaken and my eyes snapped open. I looked up to see Sasuke looking at me. I felt tears run down my face and I turned away ashamed of myself. I wrapped my arms around myself as my whole body shook. I didn't want to look anymore weak in front of him. Why did I have to fall asleep while he was training? Why did I have to dream of a memory?

I heard shuffling beside me and I expected Sasuke left but instead I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me close. I turned and saw Sasuke looking away with a glare on his face.

"Utter a work of this to anyone and you're dead." He grumbled.

I looked at him confused. Why was he doing this? He noticed my look and hesitantly met my gaze.

"Don't cry alone it's pathetic." He mumbled.

I hesitantly buried my face in his shoulder as tears spilled from my eyes. Why was I so comfortable around him. I avoided showing Naruto or Ibiki this side of me. So why was I showing this side of myself to a selfish antisocial emo prick with duck ass shaped hair?

I felt him wrap an arm around my waist and pulled me closer as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. I allowed him to hold me as I began to calm. when I finally calmed I stood up and turned away from Sasuke embarrassed that he saw me like that. I heard him go back to training and I looked down and clenched my tightening chest. what's wrong with me?

the same mysterious figure watched them as their bond continued to grow. Sasuke was opening up again and letting someone in slowly, even if he didn't realise it happening or didn't want it to happen there was no stopping it.

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