graduation test

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I woke up early and ran out of the house and towards the academy. as I walked towards the academy I practice the hand signs for the jutsu. but suddenly I felt eyes on me and I looked up into the sky where I felt them. my eyes narrowed as I tried to find who was watching me. however, I was suddenly distracted by Naruto running up beside me and smiling. I gave him a small smile as we walked to the academy. today was the graduation test. 

he ran ahead of me obviously excited for the test. I trailed behind him still feeling those eyes on me. I shook my head. I had to focus on the exam and what I would do. I always went before Naruto and passed but always handed my headband back wanting to stay with Naruto but he caught on this time and made me promise to pass no matter if he does or doesn't pass.

He would kill me if I made myself stay back a year if he failed but I believed this will be the year he would pass. I have hope in him. I always have and always will. we came to the academy and Naruto ran in. I looked up to the sky where I still felt the eyes one last time before going after Naruto. 

when I went in I saw Naruto trying to get Sakura's attention making me roll my eyes. I sat in my seat and looked out the window that was until I heard people walk up beside me. I turned to see a group of girls glaring at me. I leaned my chin on my hand waiting for them to throw whatever pathetic insults they had at me. 

"why are you still doing here you pathetic mute bitch." One growled. 

I internally groaned. so original I have totally never heard such harsh insults before. note my sarcasm. 

"seriously Voiceless just go die in a hole." Another said.

voiceless was the nickname they had for me but actually, a lot of people called me that. not always as an insult. sometimes as a compliment because I got it by how I sneak up on people. but these girls meant it as an insult. One of them went to hit me but before they could or I could block them Naruto stood in front of me and grabbed their fist.

"go away." He said with a snarl.

they all huffed and glared at him before walking away. Naruto sat next to me and I just looked at him.

"why did you do that. I could have blocked them myself." I spelled out using sign language. 

He gave a small shrug then a huge smile came t his face and I couldn't but give a small smile back. Soon we were called to do the test. I walked in and Stood in front of Iruka and another teched I didn't know but he felt wrong, untrustworthy. Iruka gave me a nod and smile. he knew I could make three clones no problem but he still held worry in his eyes considering how many times I've handed my headband back. 

I took a deep breath before doing the hand signs for the clone Jutsu and created three perfect clones. He smiled and passed me a headband. I went to walk out but stopped for a second when Iruka spoke. 

"Please keep it this time. you would be a great ninja." He said.

I gave a small nod as I walked out and stood by the swing waiting for Naruto. When he walked out I knew right away that he failed.I gripped the headband that I hid in my pocket not sure what to do. Naruto sat on the swing and looked at me with a forced smile.

"looks like you're going on without me." He mumbled.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile.

"never give up. because you're Naruto Uzumaki and you'll be Hokage one day." I spelled out to him. 

his normal smile came back and he gave a small nod. however, his smile faded when the adults began speaking about him. my eyes narrowed as they walked away after not finishing something. what did the mean? I looked at Naruto and pain came to my chest seeing the sorrow in his eyes. Soon the other teacher that was in the room walked out asking to talk to Naruto alone. I gave him a warning glare. I didn't trust him in the slightest but Naruto agreed, meaning that I had to go. 

when I got home and walked into the house I froze. not because it was a mess. not because Ibiki wat trying to cook even though he couldn't. it was because he was wearing a frilly pink apron with hearts on it while holding a spatula. I leaned against the wall as I laughed quietly. I couldn't vocally laugh but I could on the inside. 

Ibiki turned to me with a scroll and I saw his cheeks slightly tinted pink.

"what are you doing?" I asked.

"whats wrong brat you jealous I look this fabulous and you don't." He said turning away. 

I fell to the ground not being able to prosses what was happening. he suddenly walked over to me and I could tell he was wanting to know if I passed the test. I looked down and pulled out the headband making him smile but he noticed the look on my face and he knew why it was there.

"don't worry kid. you believe in him right?" He said.

I gave a small nod and smile. I stood up and headed t my room and sat on the bed looking out the window. something was up why were all these ninja running around. I wonder want's happening.  

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