under protection

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I woke up and felt familiar blanket wrapped around me. I looked around to see I was in my room. Tried to sit up but my body strongly disagreed and I fell back k to the bed. I groaned in pain as my body became heavy. the door to my room opened and I smiled thinking it was Dad but I froze when I saw black wild hair ruffle in the wind from my open window. I gulped as he walked up to me with a sadistic smirk.

I looked around frantically as he walked towards me. I jumped up despite my body's disapproval and jumped out of the window. How when I jumped out I fell into darkness. I panicked as I desperate grabbed the air as tears spilled from my eyes. I froe when I felt arms wrapped around me. I began hyperventilating as the arms strangled me and clawed at me.

the arms dragged me down further into the darkness I thrashed around as I was overcome with fear. My eyes snapped open when I went crashing to the ground. my heart was beating fast and someone rushed into my room. Ibiki ran up to me worried and I gave a sigh of relief. it was just a nightmare. everything is fine. I'm safe for now. hopefully.

Ibiki sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap. I snuggled into him. he was a jerk to most but he showed his gentle side to me. he stroked my hair and I leaned into him I guess this whole situation was having more of a toll on me than I expected. but I can't let the ones I care for, see it. I have to stay strong. not just for them but for myself.

After I calmed down I stood up and smiled. Dad sighed and stood up with me. I got changed into my USA outfit and walked with dad to the Hokage's office.

As we walked through the village I had the distinct feeling someone was watching me. It was the usual feeling I got this was much different. It felt malicious and dangerous. It sent shivers down my back and I felt the hair on my neck stand up.I inched closer to Ibiki and I grabbed his shirt as I looked around frantically. Dad didn't say anything and let me say close to him.

Dad sped up we would make it to the Hokage's office sooner. when we entered I saw an ANBU standing there next to the Hokage. When the Hokage saw me he gave a warm smile and I gave a mall smile back. I felt the ANBU's eyes on me, however, I couldn't be bothered as I felt those malicious eyes on me. I looked out a window and gulped as I shivered. I knew he was planning something but I didn't know what. I Was soon drawn back to the room when the Hokage spoke.

"Shizuko due to the circumstances you will be watched by ANBU until we can end this. the ANBU next to be is in charge of your protection so if anything is bothering you, go to him." The Hokage explained.

I nodded and looked towards the ANBU. He returned my gaze from what I can tell. He walked up closer to me and I tensed but I tried to hide it.

"you can call me Hisoka. I and some other ANBU will be watching you around the clock. I have been informed of the situation. if you need anything please come to me." The ANBU spoke in a deep voice.

I looked at him and looked at his mask and it was black with white eyes and mouth. It had blue around the eyes and scratches across one eye and ear. I gave a small smile and a bow. Dad then walked up to him with a glare.

"If anything happens to her on your watch your dead." Dad said.

I smiled and a sweat drop ran down my face. At least he cares about me.

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