Những pha phiên dịch kinh dị của mấy thím?

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Những pha phiên dịch kinh dị của mấy thím?

1. Rượu: CH3CH2OH, alcohol, sake

2. Lạy phật: go to there and hope the Dream comes true, go to see Quan Am, say hello to god, the people always went to "a di da phat", let your head duang duang duang on the ground, visit the budha, put your head touch the floor and bang bang bang

3. Suối nước nóng: gulu gulu water, no hot and no cold water, warm lake, bath before spa, calm pool

4. Dân chúng phổ thông: poor people, muggle

5. Mặt trời mới mọc: baby sun, sunny up

6. Chụp hình giúp tôi: Please give me kacha kacha

7. Tim đập thình thịch: Make my heart peng peng peng, my heart moves

8. Tang lễ: Death party, someone go die and we have a party

9. Hồ Đạm Thủy (nước nhạt): lake without NaCl, no salt lake, little salt pool

10. Thảo dược: the good grass for body, medicine grass, the plants to kill ills, useful little trees, plants with medicine skill

11. Thuốc nổ: TNT, fire medicine

12. Doanh nhân: someone like Jack Ma, to be a boss

13. Hài cốt: dead body, a body which is dying, the people who was die, the body without life, no breath people

14. Nơi những chú chim di trú: bird's bedroom, a place to relax for bird, birds live in warm place when winter comes

15. Hoàng thượng: son of sky, yellow up, boss, top people, number one

16. Cáp treo: sky bus, air bus, lazy car, visit car

17. Hùng vĩ, tráng lệ: beautiful, look so cool, big and high, fantastic, fabulous, Wao oh~

18. Nước sôi: hot water, 100°C's water

19. Diện tích của hồ: the S, area, its covers

20. Người cá: unfuck ability, beautiful human fish, starbucks

21. Cải cách mở cửa: open the door

22. Mùa thu: after the summer, before the winter

23. Hiếm có: hard to see, SSR

24. Thủ công nghiệp: hand job :D

25. Hạc tiên: magical duck

26. Bốn nghìn tỉ: 4000000000000

27. Kim chỉ nam: GPS

28. Vô sinh: make love everyday without safety condom and didn't eat medicine but no baby

29. Cô dâu mới: new wife, the most important women in the wedding

 Cô dâu mới: new wife, the most important women in the wedding

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