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———————————C H A P T E R  1 7———————————

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C H A P T E R 1 7

During Mina's warm up, a very sad Nari walked into the room.

Seeing the upset girl, Mina stopped what she was doing and stood up. Her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered what could have possibly upset Nari so much that she came to the Mina for help.

She walked over to Nari. "What's the matter?"

Nari, now full on sobbing, answered shakily, "H-he br-broke up w-with m-me."

A look of pity crossed over Mina's features. "Are you talking about Jimin?"

This was apparently the worst possible thing to say as Nari began to sob even more violently.

"Listen, I'm sorry. If you want, you can talk to me." Mina awkwardly patted her back.

The two weren't necessarily friends, but Nari obviously needed someone right now and Mina was the only one there.

Nari eventually sat down and leaned against the mirror and Mina followed suit.

Mina put an arm around Nari and tried her best to comfort her.

They stayed like that until Nari calmed down enough to talk.

"He doesn't like me. He never did," she said quietly.

Mina lifted her head a little, intrigued.

"It makes so much sense now. How he always seemed annoyed and distant.

She sighed sadly.

"He used me, to try and get over his feelings for another girl. He played me, and I fell for it."

"What?" Mina asked, a little shocked that her childhood best friend and longtime crush could be so heartless.

"Yeah. And he said I was fake, and I was. I wanted for him to like me so bad that I changed to impress him but in the end, it was all for nothing."

She coughed and rubbed the tears away from her now red eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. I was such a bitch to you for something that was completely out of control. "

"I can tell that you really like him. I can see it whenever you look at him. You couldn't be more obvious if you tried."

Heat quickly rushed to Mina's cheeks as she hung her head even lower.

Was it really that obvious? And if so, did everyone know she liked him?

But right now, there was another question that Mina was dying to ask.

"I don't want to be rude or anything, but why did you come to me after you and Jimin broke up?" She asked.

Before answering, Nari smiled softly. "Because I didn't have anyone else to go to."

Silence fell upon the room as Mina tried to find the right words to say.

"Don't you have, I don't know, other friends?" After she said it, Mina realized that it was a rather rude thing to say, but she couldn't take it back now.

"I do, but they would call me pathetic. They would laugh in my face because Ji-," she paused as a fresh wave of sadness rolled over her.

Nari inhaled deeply. "Because he broke up with me and that he never actually wanted to be with me."

Mina's look of sympathy for the girl turned into one of anger. "How can you call them your friends then?

"How can you when they are so awful to you-" Nari help up her hand to keep Mina from continuing.

"They aren't awful, it's just that they don't like to deal with people who are sad. It doesn't really make sense, but that's how they are. Whenever we all hang out, we try to keep the atmosphere light."

Nari buried her face in her arms. "It's stupid, I know."

Instinctively, Mina put an arm around the older girl. "It's not. I get it, actually. A couple of years ago, before I became a trainee here, I had a group of friends.

"We were just like you and your friends. We didn't really talk to each other about how we felt, we always tried to be happy. But that tore us apart."

Mina sighed, caught up in old memories.

Interrupting her thoughts, Nari let out a small laugh. "It's funny, you know? How I'm older than you are but you're giving me advice."

"Isn't that what friends are supposed to do?" Mina asked. "Aren't they supposed to help one another?"

Nari whipped her head to the side to look at Mina. "What?"

Mina shifted uncomfortably under Nari's gaze. "We are friends, right?" She asked.

"You think we're friends?" Nari asked.

"Only if you want to be. I mean, I would completely get it if you didn't want to-" Nari once again cut Mina off.

"I would love to!" For the first time that day, Nari smiled. It was a genuine smile because it was the first time in months she had actually felt happy.

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


Hello friends! I'm back to my regular schedule so new updates every Friday!

I've missed writing, but I needed a break. So, to make up for that, I fully intend to update twice today! The second chapter should be going up later this evening so stay tuned!

Also, just a really quick thank for 4.6 K reads! I can't believe we're almost at 5 K reads! It means a lot that people actually keep up with this book!

One last thing: keep in mind that this book was originally written a year ago in October 2017, so that's when it takes place! At this point in the story, it's almost Halloween!

That's all I have for now! Until later my peeps!

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