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———————————C H A P T E R  2 0 ———————————

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C H A P T E R  2 0

October 31st, 2017

Mina, Soomi, Yuna and Hana sat in the van as they rode toward the studio where they would be filming their debut performance. Just hours ago, the music video for the title track of their mini album was released and it was quickly becoming a hit.

An all too familiar wave of nausea crashed down on Mina as she fiddled with her hands. The other three were talking and trying to include Mina in their conversation, but Mina couldn't hear them.

Mina checked her phone for what was probably the millionth time and sighed. 4:15 p.m. Only an hour and forty-five minutes until she would be standing on the stage and performing. The van pulled into the parking lot of the studio and the four climbed out.

Mina's hands were sweaty and her legs felt like jelly. She looked at the others and they looked just as nervous. Staff members rushed around, frantically trying to make sure everything was set for the rehearsal that would take place before the actual show.

"Hello there, I'm Lee Eun Ae." A woman with a headset on said. "If you'll please follow me to your dressing room, then we can get started!"

She took off and the girls and their manager followed close behind. They soon arrived at a door and Eun Ae gestured for them to open it.

"I'll be back in thirty to get you." And with that, she was gone.

Their manager, Jae Hwa opened the door and entered with the girls right behind her. Inside, there were already four makeup artists and four hairstylists waiting. Each girl sat down and patiently waited for their hair and makeup to be done.

Nobody talked, leaving them all in complete silence. It was calming, in a way. Although, all Mina wanted at that moment was to be reassured by her fellow members that everything was going to be alright. She wanted someone to tell her that everything would be fine and it would all work out. But nobody did. They were all too preoccupied with their own nerves.

The seconds ticked by, slowly blurring into minutes until finally Eun Ae was opening the door and leading them down a long hallway and toward the stage. Around her, Mina spotted other groups who were also set to perform that day, which included some artists that Mina had looked up to for ages.

It was all so surreal. After years of waiting and anticipation, she would finally be debuting. But first, she had to somehow get through the rehearsal.

"Alright everyone, places!" A shrill voice called out over the speakers.

Staff members ushered everyone into their spots as they waited for their turn to go on. After what seemed like hours, it was time for Mina and the others to go on. The hosts introduced them and spoke kind words of the group, but it still didn't help with the group's nerves.

Mina walked onto the stage, knees shaking as she tried to get a grip on herself. She painted a smile on her face like she was excited for this, but all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball. The four got into position as the music started playing over the speakers.

It was like Mina's brain had shut off and her body took control. She moved in sync with the other girls and when it came time for her to sing, she gave it everything she had. Mina had to admit it was a little bit strange singing and dancing in front of an empty auditorium, but she didn't show it.

When everything came to a stop, the four were ushered offstage to watch the other groups perform and then into their dressing room for final touchups and to wait.

Yuna let out a content sigh. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" She said as she sank onto the couch.

Soomi and Hana hummed in agreement, but Mina remained silent. Even after a practically perfect rehearsal, she still felt nervous. The others noticed this.

"Hey, Mina, what's up?" Soomi asked, her voice laced with concern.

Mina shook her head and smiled a bit. "Nothing, just a small case of the nerves. That's all."

She knew that she didn't sound very convincing, and, apparently, neither did the girls.

"Spill," Hana said, with a forceful tone.

Mina could feel everyone's eyes on her. It made her uncomfortable.

Thankfully at that moment, the announcer called them up on stage. The four got into their positions and waited for the music to start.

Don't over think it. Don't over think it. Mina kept on repeating those words in her head.

Even though she had a bright smile on her face, she still felt as if she would mess up at any moment. There were no second chances, after all. It was finally her turn to sing and she silently prayed to any god that was listening that she wouldn't sound as bad as she did during their practice the day prior.

In what seemed like no time at all, Mina had finished her part and Yuna stepped into the front position.

From what Mina could tell, the song was almost finished and she only had one verse left to sing. Still wearing a smile on her face, she opened her mouth and sang the final lyrics. She could feel her voice escaping her and she wanted to kick herself for forgetting to breath in enough air. Between two of the words, she took a gulp of air and prepared herself to sing the last note.

Her voice, thankfully, did not waver as the song ended and she had the note.

The camera turned back to the announcer and the girls were ushered off the stage.

Mina felt as if she could sleep for a week, and from the looks of it, the others could too.


so I'm so fricken sorry for legit not updating in forever. And I won't bore you all with excuses so here is another chapter! I'm also writing this legit seconds before I have to leave for school so I'll make this quick.

Thank you to those of you have stuck with this book throughout the legit months off not updating. You guys are the best!

Now I have to go! Bye everybody and see you soon!

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