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November 1st

Mina couldn't sleep. It was well past one in the morning and everyone had left. Sleeping soundly in the bed next to her was Soomi. Mina could hear soft snores coming from the girl and sighed. There was no way she could even think about sleeping with Soomi snoring. She pulled back the covers and stealthily crept to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. After she had filled her glass, she sat down at the kitchen table. 

That text from Jimin had really put a bad taste in her mouth. Did he know that calling would have been a better option? Or maybe did he know that Mina wouldn't pick up so he texted her instead?

Mina didn't know. She was so confused and she wished that none of this had ever happened. If she hadn't made the stupid decision of becoming an idol, then she wouldn't have been in this mess. If only she could somehow go back in time and change everything.

Putting down her glass, Mina lay her head on the table. She could feel her eyelids drooping. At that moment in time, it seemed very appealing to just fall asleep right then and there. With that final thought, Mina closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. 

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•

"Hey, Mina. Get up. We have a photoshoot," Mina felt a gentle nudge on her shoulder and heard a slightly muffled voice.

"Come on. We're going to be late." This time, the nudge was harder and Mina was forced to open her eyes which she instantly regretted it. 

The sun nearly blinded her as it filtered through the partially closed blinds on the window. Strange. In her and Soomi's room, there weren't blinds on their window, there were curtains. 

She shot up and looked at her surroundings. To her right were a sink and a dishwasher. To her left were three very angry looking girls. Mina quickly deduced that she wasn't in her room. She was in the kitchen with three she-devils and there was nowhere to run since they were blocking the only exit.

"Glad to see someone's finally awake," Hana grumbled as she sat down in the chair opposite to Mina. 

Soomi moved toward the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk, then pulled out a box of bran flakes from the overhead cupboard. 

Hana groaned. "Bran flakes? Seriously?"

"Yes, they're good for you. Now shush and eat them," Soomi said as she poured four bowls of cereal. 

Mina let out a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost 9 a.m," Yuna answered while on her phone. 

Mina's jaw dropped. "What? You're telling I missed my morning work out?" 

Soomi placed a bowl of cereal in front of Mina. "Yes, and since you slept in, we might be late. So eat." 

Mina picked up the spoon and shovelled the tasteless food into her mouth as fast as she could. Once she had finished, she sprinted to the bathroom to get ready.  Since she had a photoshoot, there was no need to put on makeup or style her hair, so she washed her face and pulled her brush through her hair. Not the most stylish, but it worked. Then she brushed her teeth. 

Next, she headed to her room and changed into a large t-shirt that was clean and a pair of sweatpants. She looked in the mirror and decided to quickly put on a beanie. A comfortable yet kind of stylish outfit. 

Mina ran back out of the room and found the other three girls all ready to go. She pulled on her shoes and the four headed out. They arrived at the set for the shoot and found their manager waiting with her usual clipboard in hand. 

"There you are! Again, great job yesterday, guys. You killed it! And the music video is doing quite well too! Almost 1.5 million views!" She said as she guided the girls to the dressing room. 

The girls sat down in their designated seats and waited for their makeup and hair to be done. 

Mina's hairstylist was being particularly rough with her hair today. Mina felt as though she would rip her scalp right off, but she didn't say anything. Thankfully, the torture was over soon and it was time to change. 

Mina wandered over to her rack of clothing and found the outfit labelled "1". She ducked behind the screen divider and changed. 

When she had finished up, all of the others were just finishing up too. 

"Perfect! You're all ready!" Their manged said, opening the door. "Now, come with me. No time to waste!" 

All of them set off toward the set and greeted the photographer. 

The hurried into position and the shoot began. 

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•

Even after sleeping in, Mina still felt unimaginably tired and the day was only half over. They still had another performance lined up for later in the day. Their schedule was jampacked with performances and photoshoots.

For that day's performance, the group would be performing not only their title track to their mini-album but also another song and Mina couldn't possibly more scared than she was at that moment. 

After their performance yesterday, Mina felt better about the title track, but that slight confidence didn't apply to the other songs. For the time being, though, the girls had a break so they decided to go out for lunch. 

As they walked down the street, all chatting and laughing, a girl, no older than ten, came up to them with the biggest smile on her face. 

"Are you guys that group? 4U?" She asked, practically jumping out of excitement. 

Yuna immediately took charge of the situation. "Of course! And what is your name?"

The girl's eyes went wide. "I-I'm Misun," She said with a dust of pink on her cheeks. 

"Well, very nice to meet you, Misun! My name is Yuna and these are Sunny, Hana and Mina!" Yuna introduced herself to the girl. 

"I know, I really love your songs!" Misun exclaimed. "Could I, um, have a picture with you?" She looked up at the four girls.

Yuna nodded her head and snapped a photo on the girl's phone and handed it back to her. 

As the girl walked away, Mina could see a rather large smile on Yuna's face. 

"Wasn't she just the sweetest?"  Yuna cooed. 

"Whatever you say," Hana said. "Now let's go! I'm starving!" 

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


hey hey hey! what's going on y'all? 

sorry for such slow updates! i'm a mess and literally procrastinate form writing. 

anywaysssssss sorry for such a boring chapter! there's going to be a couple more chapters like these and then it's on to the juicy stuff! 

and i'll try my best to get off my lazy ass and actually write this summer!

bye guys!

p.s. i included a small video of jimin for y'all

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