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November 2nd

For the third time the day, the pair thanked Mrs. Kang for the meal before heading out. The little bell hanging on the door frame jingled as they opened the door.

"There's one more place that I want us to go to if that's alright with you," Jimin said, glancing down at Mina.

There was a bright smile playing on her lips. "Where are we going?" As she said this, Mina silently prayed that they were going to get dessert since she had forgotten to order it during lunch.

"Well, I thought that we could go get some dessert. I know this really good vendor in Myongdong who has the best Kkultarae ever!" He took ahold of her hand and lead the way to the Myongdong district.

As they walked along the streets of Seoul, people looked at them but kept their distance and Mina was grateful for that. She didn't want her first date with Jimin to be ruined by them being swarmed.

They neared a stall and Mina could already smell the food. Her mouth watered as she hungrily looked upon the desserts.

Jimin asked, "What do you want?"

Mina, being the foodaholic she was, ordered three separate desserts. "May I please have a kkultarae, a hotteok, and a yakgwa?"

After she had received her food and sat down, she ould feel Jimin's gaze on her. "Are you judging me for my love of food? Because if so, I will go home right now."

Jimin chuckled. "Not at all! I think it's adorable!"

Mina narrowed her eyes at him. "A year ago, you would have made fun of me."

"Yeah, well, times have changed. And I'm no longer scared to say what I really think!" He smiled and Mina's heart skipped a beat.

"Well, on a different note, why didn't you get anything?" Mina inquired.

A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. "Because I can steal yours!"

Before Mina had any time to react to his answer, Jimin stole her kkultarae and took an enormously large bite out of it.

"Hey!" As quickly as she could, Mina snatched the cake back and finished eating all of her food as fast as possible before Jimin could have the chance to steal it.

"I only took one bite!" Jimin said, earning a light-hearted frown from Mina.

"And the price for taking a bite is buying me another one!"

Jimin grinned and took Mina to purchase another cake. He checked his phone to see the time and sighed. It was getting later and they both had places to be.

"We should get going, Mina," Jimin said. "I don't want you to be late!"

"Then, onward!" She cried, cake in hand.

Jimin internally chuckled at her childishness.

As the pair walked back to Mina's dorm, hand in hand, it began to drizzle. And soon, the drizzle turned into a downpour. Of course, neither of them had brought an umbrella and were forced to take shelter under the awning of a store to wait out the storm.

"You know, I don't think the storm will let up any time soon," Mina said, looking out into the street.

"You're right. Should we just make a break for it and try and find a taxi?" Jimin suggested.

Mina agreed and as they were about to run, a voice called out from behind them. "Do you two need an umbrella?"

The couple turned around to see that the voice belonged to an elderly man. He had a warm smile on his face and held an umbrella in his one hand.

"It's alright, we can find a taxi!" Mina said, kindly rejecting his offer.

"Are you sure? It's not every day that I meet to young lovers who need help," He said.

Mina and Jimin looked at each other and blushed.

"O-okay. Thank you very much, sir! We'll make sure to return it to you tomorrow!" Mina said, taking the umbrella from the man.

As she opened it, Jimin took it from her. "I should hold the umbrella because I'm taller."

Mina rolled her eyes playfully but didn't argue.

The pair began the short journey and before they knew it, they were standing outside Mina's dorm.

As Mina began to turn around, Jimin grabbed her wrist. "Wait."

Mina turned back to him with a confused expression. "What is it?'

Jimin wrapped his arm around Mina's waist, pulling her closer and accidentally dropping the umbrella. It blew away, leaving the two exposed to the storm.

Jimin pulled his coat over both of them to shelter them from the rain. His hand cupped Mina's cheek and he leaned down as she stood on her tiptoes.

The two inched closer and soon met each other in the middle with a kiss. Jimin thought for a moment that this was just a dream, but as they pulled apart, he could tell that this wasn' a fantasy. It was real and he couldn't have been happier.

Jimin removed his hand from her face and placed it around her waist and pulled her into his chest. "I love you, Minnie."

"I love you too, Jimin." Came Mina's muffled reply.

As they stood there in the rain, Jimin knew that he would never let Mina go. Not again.


"and with the last scrape of the fork against the plate, the cheesecake was gone"

- my sister trying to be a writer, 2019

thank you all so much for reading this book and making it to the end! i know i've been a pain in the ass because i legit didn't update for months, but i've somehow finished! (that last sentence didn't really make sense, but i'm gonna stick with it)

you're all the best and again, thank you so much for reading! i might make a oneshot book full of little stories about jimin and mina because they're kinda cute, so keep an eye out for that!

also, i'm going to begin writing a harry potter fanfic so if you guys supported it, that would be amazing!

and please make sure to read the acknowledgements, that would be amazing because there are a few very important people who helped me write this mess of a book and it probably wouldn't even be done without these people!

never let me go | park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now