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———————————C H A P T E R  14———————————

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C H A P T E R 14


The girl turned around sharply.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Just as she started to turn away again and walk away, a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Please," he begged. "Just talk to me."

A sigh escaped Mina's mouth. She was torn. Half of her wanted to run away and never look back, while the other half wanted to stay and comfort him.

Eventually, the second side won, although she didn't dare step any closer to him.

"Please tell me why you've been avoiding me. Please," his voice cracked.

"It wasn't your fault," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin's head perked up as Mina sat down on the swing beside him.

It was just like a scene from a movie. The couple would sit on the swing set at a park at night, except one thing was different.

Mina and Jimin weren't a couple.

"It wasn't your fault," she repeated. Her heart ached as she tried to find the right thing to say.

"I guess I have to tell you the truth now."

She let out a low chuckle even though there was no humor in the situation.

"What truth?" Jimin asked, genuinely confused. His eyebrows furrowed as his lips formed a slight pout.

"Do you remember when we were best friends all those years ago?" A hint of sadness was evident in her voice.

"When we were younger and still hung out, I used to have the biggest crush on you." Jimin grinned at her sudden confession.

"Oh really?" He smirked. "I guess I'm just too irresistible," he said, pretending to flip his hair.

"Hey! You didn't let me finish!" She huffed. "Anyway, when you left to follow your dream of becoming a dancer, a professional one that is, you took a piece of my heart with you. I cried for weeks, refusing to come out of my room. You see, ever since I met you again when I went to go and meet BTS for the first time, I realized something, I still liked you."

Mina stopped for a second, letting the silence surround them.

"It hurts, Jimin."

Tears threatened to fall but she held them in.

"It hurts so damn much knowing that you are with another girl. It hurts to know that you take her on dates. It hurts to know that you kiss her. It hurts to know that you love her.

"I've tried my best to move on, to get over you, but I can't. It's just too hard. And I know that you'll never love me back and you will only ever see me as a friend, so don't try and spare my feelings.

"If you want, I won't bother you again. I guess it'd be easier like that." Her words hung heavy in the air as she got up.

"It's getting late, Jimin. I have to go now." With that, she disappeared down the street, getting farther and farther away from Jimin with each step she took.

He wanted to run after her, but he couldn't find it in himself to get up. He was still shell-shocked by her confession.

After what seemed like forever, he stood up and slowly made his way home.

Just before he opened the door to his dorm, he stopped, his hand resting over the handle.

He didn't feel like going back, not yet.

With another press of a button and a push of a door, he was back outside.

The air was surprisingly warm for autumn.

Jimin wandered the streets of Seoul, not even looking where he was going.

Soon enough, his feet lead him to a small shop. It was wedged in between two larger apartment buildings, making the shop seem even smaller.

The lights were still on an faint music played from inside the shop.

A wooden sign hung over the top of the door read 'Aori Ramen'.

Intrigued, Jimin entered the shop.

Instantly he was met with the smell of delicious ramen. It made his mouth water as he realized just how hungry he was.

"I'll be out in just a second!" an older woman's voice called from what must have been the kitchen.

Soon enough, a woman that looked to be about in her late 60's to early 70's came through a curtain.

"Hello and welcome to Aori Ramen! What would you like to order?"

Jimin knew he shouldn't have, but he decided to order a classic ramen topped with sliced pork, dried seaweed, an egg, green onion, and naruto, just to name a few.

He could hardly wait to eat so he quickly thanked the woman and started shoving noodles into his mouth.

Within a matter of minutes, he had consumed the entire thing.

He let out a small sigh. Nothing made him happier than ramen.

"Would you like another bowl?" The woman asked with a smile on her face.

Jimin shook his head and said, "No thank you," a slight frown replaced the woman's smile. Jimin instantly felt bad so he added, "But it was really amazing!"

The woman's face lit up again.

"That's good to hear!"

For a second, Jimin almost forgot about the situation in the park, almost.

The woman studied his face for a second. "What's wrong?"

Again, he shook his head. "It's nothing."

The woman chuckled sadly. "It's obviously not nothing. Care to tell me what happened?"

"Well, I don't know," he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"There's this girl. She's super nice."

He stopped for a second before continuing. "Just before I came here, she confessed to me."

The woman raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Jimin looked down. "I don't know."

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


Heyo everyone! I hope you all had an amazing day! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was and still am sick. I tried to make this a more interesting chapter, but sorry if it sucks!

Bye, everyone! See you next week!

P.S Thank you all so much for 2.84 k reads! I love you all so much!!

P. P. S I CANT BELIEVE OUR BABY JIMIN IS ALREADY 23!! *wipes away tear* they grow up so fast

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