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———————————C H A P T E R  2 1———————————

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C H A P T E R 2 1

October 31

After what seemed like forever, the van finally pulled into the parking garage of the dorms. Mina didn't want to get up and walk to the dorm, but Soomi dragged her out of the van like she was a sack of potatoes and carried her over her shoulder.  Yuna and Hana both snickered.

"Soomi, could you stop?" Mina whined. "I can walk on my own you know."

Soomi huffed. "You look like you're about to pass out, so no."

Eventually, after Mina had protested for the fiftieth time, she gave up. There was absolutely no escaping Soomi so she would have to put up with it until they got to the dorm. As the group walked through the lobby, quite a few people looked at them as if they had two heads.

They reached the elevator and finally, Soomi let Mina down.

Under her breath, Mina muttered, "It was about time."

As they reached the door to their dorm, Yuna realized that it was unlocked.

"Did one of you forget to lock to door?" She asked the others, a look of confusion etched across her face.

Hana shrugged. "Maybe one of us just forgot?"

This answer didn't seem to satisfy Yuna, so she pushed open the door to reveal all seven members of BTS.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" The seven boys yelled in unison as they pulled the girls into a tight group hug.

The four girls desperately gasped for air as it was crushed out of their lungs by the boys.

"Could you --- please --- let go --- before I --- murder you?" Hana managed with a dangerous glint in her eye.

The seven boys quickly backed off, letting the girls breathe.

"Sorry about that," Namjoon said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess we got a little excited."

"No shit," Hana muttered under her breath which only the girls could hear.

"But on another note, you guys were so good! That choreo was bomb af and the vocals were on point!" Jin said, obviously trying to be "hip".

Mina facepalmed. "You're so old."

"That's not what ARMYs would say." He shot back with just a touch of sass.

Just as Mina was about to say something in retaliation, Yuna stepped in. "Guys, please don't fight. It's supposed to be a happy day and we don't need your sibling rivalry messing that up!"

Mina swallowed and desperately looked at anything else than Yuna of Jin. As she looked around, she noticed that not all of the boys were there.

"Hey, were's Jimin?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

Jungkook smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know."

This set Jin off. "Excuse you, child, but I am the only, and I mean the only person that can tease Mina!" From his tone, Mina could tell that he was only half serious, but it was still a threat.

Junkook threw his hands up in surrender. "Geez, calm down, hyung."

"Jimin said he wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home," Yoongi explained, ignoring Jungkook and Jin who were still bickering.

She couldn't lie. Mina was sad that Jimin wasn't there, but at the same time was kind of relieved that she didn't have to deal with all of that. Even thinking about it made her stomach turn, and not in a good way.

"I think I'm going to go to bed," Mina said, making everyone tun toward her. "You know, I'm kind of tired after today."

This earned a wave of protests from everyone.

"Ah come on, you're already tired? It's not even 8:30 yet!" Jin exclaimed.

Jungkook sighed and said, "Leave her alone, Jin-hyung. Remember when we first performed? We all thought you weren't going to make it back to the dorm!"

Jin scowled. "How is it that you're the youngest and you're the rudest? Aren't you supposed to respect your elders?"

Deciding that this was the perfect opportunity, Mina hurried down the hallway to her shared room with Soomi and closed the door. Finally. Some peace and quiet.

Mina changed into a pair of sleeping shorts and an oversized t-shirt. She climbed into her bed and as she lay there, she stared at the ceiling. Now that she was in bed, she didn't really feel that tired.

She tossed and turned, but couldn't sleep. Pulling back the covers, she walked over to her desk and opened her laptop. She signed in and typed in YouTube. Since she had nothing better to do, she might as well check how the music video was doing.

Having been only released a few hours ago, it only had a couple hundred thousand views, which was still not bad. Of course, it wasn't as crazy as the views BTS received, but they were still a rookie group who had just debuted.

Next, she scrolled through the comments. Most of them were positive, congratulating the girls of their debut, but every now and then there were negative comments. No matter how many positive comments she read, Mina kept thinking about the ones saying that she was a bad singer.

A sad laugh escaped her mouth. Only a few short weeks ago, Mina was reading bad comments on their promotional cover of House Of Cards and Jimin was there. Her heart ached thinking about him. She desperately wished he was there comforting her, but he had done something that Mina couldn't forgive easily.

As if by some miracle, Mina's phone lit up from across the room. She walked over to the nightstand and sat on her bed to check what the notification was. It was a text from Jimin.


hey, minnie. i just wanted to congratulate you and girls on your debut. you killed it! sorry i couldn't be there, i knew it would be weird, so i stayed home. and i'm really sorry for hurting you and nari. when you're ready, i'm always free to talk.

Mina felt butterflies in her stomach but shook her head. She wouldn't get excited over a stupid text. If he really cared, he would have come or at least called. But he hadn't.

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


should i feel bad?

btw this isn't over yet! my friend would never in a million years let me end this book on a depressing note so y'all will get what y'all want.

bye now dudes!

and yes i did make the girls debut on halloween. no regrets

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