f o u r t e e n

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A/N: More than 600 reads yeyyy *squeals* 

Jimin's eyebrows crease when he hears deafening and continuous bangs on his wooden door. He slowly opens up his eyes and come into view is his blurry ceiling. Using one hand to lift himself off his bed, Jimin's legs struggle to keep balance, not to fall asleep when his feet land on the soft and comfy rug that feels like "seventh heven" under his toes. Coldness of metal sends electricity running down his spine when Jimin touches the doorknob and the door swings open only to reveal big, doe eyes looking at him.

"Officer Jeon?" Jimin ruffles his hair, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes while leaning on the door. "You're up early..."

"Errm... Yes, Jimin." Jungkook stutters, not knowing what to say in front of a beautiful scenery like this. Jimin's hair is tossed in all directions, he looks much like a sleepy pup. Plus, his raspy morning adds in, making Jungkook remember the day Jimin tried to seduce him and get away with it unsuccessfully. He looks down at his watch, seeing it's quarter to ten. He decides to infer Jimin as not much of a morning person..

"Do you mind if I come in? I brought sandwiches."

Jungkook is sitting comfortably in Jimin's room. Despite all Jimin's rants about it not being tidy or there are a few things laid messily on the table, Jungkook feels a sense of familiarity when he rests on the sofa. His room is filled with mild sunlight after opening the blinds, barricading them from coming in. Warmth overflows the room, caressing his cheeks and kissing the tip of his nose. He rests his body on the brick-built windowsill, which is sustainable and strong enough to hold him, and admires the scenery which Jimin's room overlooks. It was not beautiful, breath-taking a scenery you would imagine that Jungkook's admiring but more of a normal view containing few flower shops, convenient stores and small houses with friendly neighbors waving at him when they see him. 

"Enjoy the scenery?" 

Jungkook looks away from the florist who's watering her sunset-pink orchids and sees Jimin on his tippy-toes, digging for something in his small cupboard after exiting the restroom. Seeing the hilarity in height differences, he decides to shuffle over and helps Jimin get whatever-he's-looking-for.

"What're you doing anyway." Jungkook asks out of curiosity and his eyes wander to a box of apple tea sitting peacefully on the clean white kitchen counter. "Need some help?"

"That's it, thanks if you can get the mugs for me." Jimin sighs in defeat , his small body can't do anything but dances was once he always thought. To be honest, if Jungkook hadn't been here at this rate, he might have gone to Hoseok's to have him made tea due to his unbeatable laziness and small body. "Sugar or milk?"

"None is fine, hyung." Jungkook croaks out while busy setting the porcelain mugs, one has a small bunny and one has a small pinkish, roundly-shaped triangular thingy (He doesn't know what it is but the face it has is cute so he decides to choose it for Jimin).

"No need for the formality, Jeon." Jimin says while he places the sandwiches on a plate and decorates it with some cherry tomatoes for a hint of sourness to prevent cloying. Then he walks over Jungkook to heat up the water in a kettle while Jungkook's dumping a bag of tea powder in each mug. "Just call me Jimin and... I'll call you, Jungkook, isn't it?"

"Uh- yeah," Jungkook says, forming a light smile. 

"But seriously, just plain ol' tea?" Jimin chuckles. "Put in some sugar for me. The sugar holder's on your right."

"I like sweets but I prefer plain tea." Pouring in half a spoon of sugar, Jungkook glances at Jimin to keep eye contact. "The earthy flavor is soothing, goes perfectly well with sandwiches."

"Good point, bunny. But a slice of lemon will do the trick." Jungkook looks over to see Jimin juggling a few gold lemons from his mini fridge. He gives out a toothy smile because of Jimin's hidden talent also tingly due to the nickname Jimin created for him... just for him.

"Go sit on the couch, take the plate with you, too." Jimin removes the kettle of bubbling hot water off the stove and orders Jungkook to go outside, a hand between him and the kettle to prevent any unnecessary burnings. He walks casually out of the kitchen and plops himself down the couch next to the male cop after setting two hot mugs of tea and grabbing himself a sandwich. "I've finished reading the files you gave me."

"That's nice." Jungkook takes a bite of the sandwich. The sourness of mayonnaise and fresh crunchiness of baby greens stimulates his tastebuds. "We got a whole noon and afternoon I have to say and I'm not intending to rush things. Just take your time, I thought you were tired after play time."

Jimin snickers after swallowing. "Play time? Really?"

"At least I had my payback for this." Jungkook opens a button of his black shirt and points to the remark that has now turned to a blueish purple, fading from the beautiful redness before and shit Jimin, if it weren't for his self-control, he would jump on Jungkook and did either ways to turn him into a moaning mess.

"Ah~ right.." Jimin trails off while ruffling his shiny pink hair and decides to not talk about it further, curbing his intense hunger.

Since that day, he hasn't been able to shrug of the feeling how Jungkook's moans were so melodic, like music to his ears; how toned and fit Jungkook was and how sweet Jungkook's skin tasted when he suck on his neck, leaving a beautiful blooming remark. He couldn't imagine a human with such juicy sweet skin, such toned and fit body. He must be the son of a god. 

Stop, thirsty Jimin.

"Well, since I've finished going over the details in the report, what're we going to do this morning?" Jimin asks, finishing the rest of his sandwich. "You've had the view of your soon-to-be home anyways."

"Who says I'm going to move here entirely?" Jungkook shots back. "Only when I like it, I'll come here." 

"Sounds like a one night stand to me." Jimin sips his tea, slightly licking his plump bubblegum lips. "You know, only when you like it." 

Jungkook chuckles. "Right, or I can stop by the bar for... you know... a quick hangout with some of your dancers hm?"

"As if you're not gonna like it." An image of Jimin giving Jungkook a lap dance while in his black thongs appear vividly in Jimin's thought but it suddenly dawns upon Jimin that he might want other dancers instead. The feeling of hotness bubbling in the pit of his stomach causes him to wonder what might that be, he knows it's hatred because that's also the feeling he had when he saw his crushes having affairs with other guys or girls but why him he's feeling this?

"Or the station?" Jungkook asks, savoring the flavor of the earthy tea. "We can meet the bodies and that'll be more helpful to you in the near future. Especially the Doctor's body, since we have to invest the evidence from the corpse either way."

"Sounds promising." Jimin nod, tugging the tea bag floating in the mug. He looks at his reflection in the mug, seeing his lifeless and cold look that must have affected Jungkook and created an invisible wall preventing the two from getting along with each other so he plasters a cute toothy grin that makes his eyes turn into moon crescents. "Let's do that."

"When do you want to go then?" Jungkook asks, his posture relaxes a bit. He twirls the silver ring hugging his finger. 

"How about now?"

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