t w e n t y . t w o

301 16 5


"Anything new about the case team?" Chief Yoongi asks absent-mindedly while waiting for lunch, the earthy smell of herbs fills the air and the mere heat wraps them, the whole crew while wiping their spoons and chopsticks looks up to be met with the question. "Starting from the oldest then, Seokjin hyung in Doctor body."

"We're still investigating sir but new-comer Jimin has proved to be very outstanding and resourceful, Chief." Seokjin - who's sitting face to face with Jimin and Jungkook, laughs at Yoongi playfully because of the nickname before smiling at Jimin. "He has spotted the piece of evidence - a cigar wrapper, which hopefully will help us in paving the way to our conclusion."

"Great job Jimin!" Yoongi exclaims and pats his back since he's stuffed between Jungkook and Yoongi. "Such a dedicated new-comer, most will be overwhelmed by Jungkook's attitude or his intelligence, work, et cetera but you've managed to cope with it so well."

"T-Thank you, Chief." Jimin lightly bows his head at Yoongi but he is greeted with a warming smile. "You don't have to be so formal, just call me Yoongi-hyung or Yoongs, whatever you like as long as it's not an insult."

"Grandpa might be nice, don't you think hyung?" Namjoon naively asks which earns a laugh from others, except one - Taehyung. He's looking at others, smiling since he's still slightly irritated that Jimin's here. At least Jimin's not a pain in the ass, is he? He wouldn't fawn over Jungkook like the girls in his college, he's still shy towards Jungkook and besides, their friendship is something between colleagues, no more, no less. Looks like so...

But Jungkook seems to like Jimin... Nobody seemed to make Jungkook take to them that fast, the record is Taehyung and only him manage to do it that fast: in a week. Well what about Jimin? Yeah, two or three days...

That makes Taehyung even more irritated, his eyebrows furrow and he balls his fists under the table. No one is going to take Jungkook from him-

"Hey Taehyung, what about the seller who you interrogated this morning?" Namjoon asks, faking to stretch to wrap an arm over his boyfriend's shoulders. Oh, that sobbing mess?

"Nothing much about him besides sobbing and staying frightened all the time..." Taehyung shakes his head, remembering that rigorous hour of comforting, practicing his listening skills advanced level and fast-writing, since that seller used to be a rapper or some shit. "He talks fast like eomma Jin scolding you about your horrible cutting onion skills."

Everybody laughs when Namjoon in attempt trying to grab him but being blocked by Seokjin who's still laughing. Taehyung waits until the laughing and Namjoon's trying to grab him dies down, he continues: "He told me about the night of the accident... While he was selling tangerines like usual, he saw a black car looking somewhat pretty new that I'm assuming the black Audi which had been crashed pretty badly, swerving dangerously down the alley where the small sellers are working. It suddenly turned left and flailed into his stall, damaging the stand into bits of nothing and squashing the tangerines, he lost a lot. It even hit a few passer-bys before turning into the alley but according to the reports from near hospitals were, luckily, minor injuries..."

"Poor him..." Jimin says quietly, looking at Tae. 

"If it hadn't been for him sensing the danger and being fast enough, I guess, there would have been another victim but in a car crash..." Taehyung's voice goes deeper, expressing the sadness. No wonder the seller cries the heck out of him since he's grateful that he's still alive.

"Well that's one hell of a witness, he's even more useful than the apple seller." Namjoon tsks and shakes his head, rubbing his temple. "He didn't express any guilt and by far giving the least detailed out of the witnesses. What a heartless beast."

Jungkook sips a gulp of his cold water, feeling a part of heat somehow relieved. "Well, he has a reason for it, almost all humans do that right? Being oblivious and heartless if that thing isn't related to them, it's a deranged world after all...". The statement earns a look from Jimin. "I stated the fact though, remember the 17-year-old we caught 3 weeks prior?"

Tae nods enthusiastically. "Yeah.. Only five more days until his birthday..."

"Yes, the case was quite easy however, they neglected it though the victim he "killed" was an act of self-defense and waited until it's past his birthday so the he's sentenced for manslaughter..." Jungkook's voice goes deep. "I don't know if you guys feel the same but mixed feelings for him is inevitable for me because he killed the man..."

Jimin heard about the 17-year-old sentenced up to 16 months of imprisonment and couldn't help but feel sad for the victim, surprisingly a good-looking man in his 30s. Though shallow the victim was stabbed in the stomach, he was found dead due to severe blood loss. However, he can't help but feel curiosity churning in his stomach and he wants to ask Jungkook about how the boy who committed that crime that he saw as self-defense. Surprisingly after the news, other news popped up and reduced the boy's period of being jailed down to only 10 months. At least, Jimin knew the fundamental reason why they reduced the time because to be honest he hadn't known why they cut down on the time of jailing since they didn't explain it clearly and that created quite a scene for the ones who disagreed on the new decision..

"Anyways, that's another problem.. What we need to focus now is this case, wrecking our minds so much lately." Jungkook leans his head back, fluttering his eyes a little.

"Well, I guess asking Jimin instead won't hurt huh?" Jimin averts his gaze from Jungkook to a smirking Yoongi and Jimin slightly raises his eyebrows while smiling to hide that faint blush creeping onto his chubby cheeks. "What have you done lately?"

"We went to the morgue where Jin showed us the corpse and we found evidence to move onto the conclusion that the victim likes to go "underground bars" since high-quality cigars and strong alcohol are mushrooming there." Jimin says while looking at everyone, who are listening to him attentively and Jimin feels like he's with Hoseok, making him comfortable with talking. "Jin mentioned Chin-Hwa's companion, Dae-Hyun, which pretty much gave us basic information about their lifestyle and back story and led us to visit Kim Jisoo - a worker at my place as our next step." 

"Your bar is kinda fucked up Jimin.." Taehyung says, joking. "Wondering if there are gangsters and such.."

"Well, me myself is also committing a crime so yeah I agree that the place is shit but a being a little absurd in this "deranged" world won't hurt" Jimin says, plastering his eye-smile which looks innocent and lunatic all the same time. "That sane feeling is called living life to the fullest."

"Who said that?" Namjoon asks, smiling all of a sudden.


"Marry this child Jungkook." Namjoon reaches over the table and tells him, flushing his ears a color of deep red and stutters. "He's basically Gandhi."

"What the fuck you're so-" Jungkook laughs and hits his hyung playfully, making others laugh. A hale and hearty, old woman appears with a pot full of goodness - vegetables and udon served piping hot. Steam arises and the smell merges into the air, fulfilling their nostrils with nostalgic homemade kimchi and the childish stomach grumbling. The silver-haired woman smiles gracefully and elegantly, crinkles appear by the corners of her eyes. After setting down the tray and nodding at the young boys' bows, she leaves the table with the tray.

"Well, I see that everybody did a great job," Yoongi wears his cute gummy smile, picking up his spoon and chopsticks. "Enjoy your meal everyone."

"Thank you Chief!!" Everyone except Yoongi says loudly, earning the smile from the owners and other customers.

"Aish, you kiddos." 

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