t h i r t y . s i x

202 11 0

"Stay here"

Jungkook, what the fuck?

Jimin mentally curses when he sees Jungkook's doe eyes bore into his one last time as if expecting him to promise before leaving him with other ladies who are frenziedly grinding on the dance floor. It must be that Jungkook forgot Jimin is still helping him with the case and he should at least communicate with him more than just two words to demonstrate a useless action of waiting for your companion to come back while Jungkook does all the work and Jimin does nothing but stay put. Jimin feels his insides burn with rage due to Jungkook's stubbornness and decides to rush to a secluded corner to switch his earbud to tracking mode, at least he should be cautious of Jungkook's doing.

"I didn't know that you work here." Hoseok says while folding his legs on Jungkook's swivel chair, lightly spinning while grinning at Taehyung's eye roll. He continues to tap on his earbud while his eyes are traced on the red dots which symbolizes the cars from his station. He and the other orange-haired male is now alone in the office as the peaceful sound of fanning calms them from the situation, keeping watch for others as they follow Jimin and Jungkook surrounding the clubhouse area. "You seem cool except for that moment when you bawl your eyes out."

Taehyung decides to ignore the beaming male who's trying to get closer to him by using one of his legs to push himself to the brunette's desk. The swivel chair come in contact with the desk and creates a slight impact which startles Taehyung a bit as he looks up to see a childish orange-haired male trying to tilt the computer screen to see what he's doing, which he slaps away his hand and adjust the screen to its used-to-be position.

"Don't. Touch. Anything." Taehyung emphasizes as he looks at Hoseok. He's still wearing that bright, heart-shaped grin which he adores so much but he reverts back to his cold state when he realizes they're currently in a mission and lacking off is not an option. "If you do that, I won't be able to receive calls and that means we're all doomed thanks to you."

"Surely enough I know how things work tech geek," Hoseok places his hands under his head and leans back which makes Taehyung wonders so much about how he could be so laid back in such a taut situation. Not to mention, he's introduced by Jungkook as the boss of Devil's Curse so he was quite taken aback by the fact that Hoseok could open a business at such a young age. "That tilting isn't enough to damage anything related to your tracking system."

Taehyung rolls his eyes at him, words not being able to come out of his mouth again and he decides to use the ignoring method since Hoseok can retort back at everything he says.

"Besides," Hoseok twirls the chair from side to side as he places his elbows onto Taehyung's desk and seats his chin on the back of his palm. "I'm here to help you with the positioning so come to terms with the fact that nobody knows the area better than me..." Taehyung eyes advert to Hoseok's face, which is half-hidden behind the computer screen when he sees Hoseok wiggle his eyebrows at him. "...My lovely new colleague."

Taehyung pushes the chair with one of his foot, making it slide far from his desk and finally knocks into Jungkook's one instead. Hoseok continues to smile at him when he uses a leg and pushes himself next to where Taehyung is sitting, quietly while his technology-obsessed friend does all the work. He looks at the computer screen with red beeping dots which symbolizes the police cars and two green ones, which is Jungkook and Jimin until he receives a new signal from Jimin and decides to pick it up eagerly. 

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