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I don't know who drew that but it's so cute. Look at Jihoon in that Hanbok.


Jihoon's POV

"YAAASSSSS ITS FINALLY SUMMER!" (*Do people actually like summer that much? I don't know since my country does not have four seasons and it's always hot, so I never understand why people like it. Is it because it is holiday??)

"Do you love it that much?" My mom looked at me as if I was a wild monkey that escaped from a zoo.

"Of course! I don't have to study, I don't have to see that hideous witch which they call teacher, and I don't have to be nice and all when the students are around. I can stay at home and have time for myself!"

"Oh God, what did I do in my past life to have a son like you?"

"But you still love your son."

"You sure are wise."

"I can't do this anymore!" My mom always gets frustrated when she sees me sitting at home doing nothing. She wants me to be like other kids, having part-time jobs and such.

But she often just ignores it.

"You've said that five times today mom."

"And I'm going to do something about it! For once!"

"Like what?"

"Like making you do some volunteer work."


I stood in front of an orphanage, wondering why the hell am I doing this. I looked at mom one last time, trying to convince her again.

"I didn't volunteer for this so why am I doing 'volunteer' work?"

"Just take this opportunity to get some experiences and meet new friends!" My mom said and left as she drove away.

Great, now it's just me and making myself friends.


The head of the volunteer work positioned us in places and ordered us to do things I have never done before - cleaning.

"God, tell me again why am I doing this?"

"Because you want to help the orphans." A voice was heard behind me.

I turned around only to find a raven-haired boy staring back.

"Am I right? Isn't that why you're here?"

"No, my mom forced me here."

"Aahhh....I'm Bae Jinyoung by the way." He puts his hand out.

""Park Jihoon." I shook his hand in return.

"Oh I know you! You're that child star, the one that can cry! You've met Big Bang before right? How does it feel?"

"Umm....I couldn't remember much as I was really young." Who was this guy? Is he one of those 'new friends' my mom said about?


I took out the cloth from the bucket of water and started to wipe the windows. A lot of water started to come out from the cloth, making a puddle on the floor.


"That's not how you do it, you have to squeeze the water out first."


It was that Jinyoung guy again.

He took the cloth from me and squeezed out the water from the bucket.

He gave it back to me and as I took it from him, he didn't let go of the cloth, instead, he held onto my hand.

We didn't move for ages, I don't know why I didn't pull away and I didn't realised that we were staring at each other the whole time.

After the long 'do not move challenge', he looked down.

"Oh my, stay there. You might slip."

He let go of my hand and went somewhere else.

My body froze, my eyes following him and my hand still at the same position as before. He then came back with a mop

"Oh I can do it myself."

"Have you even mopped a floor before?"

"You know me very well already friend." His smile faded away when I said the word friend.

He continued to mop the floor while I cleaned the windows.

Two hours later, most of us had already finished our jobs. I thought we could go home but we had to 'play' with the kids.

I didn't really know what to do with kids so I just sat in a corner and go to them when they asked for help, like to open stuff for them.

I scanned around the orphanage and my eyes landed on this particular person, you know who he is.

He was playing with the kids and reading them stories. The way he tells the stories are very interesting, he often exaggerates it and makes the kids go wild.

I didn't know that I was staring at him until he looked back at me. When our eyes met I blushed. I quickly turned away as I didn't want him to see me blushing, but it was pretty obvious and hard to hide.

"Alright guys, thank you so much for your help. You may leave now."

For some reason I wasn't happy I was leaving. It made my heart feel sour.

My mom came and I get into her car. We were about to leave until Jinyoung came and asked me to roll my windows down.

"Oh what's up Jinyoung?"

"Are you going to come again?"

"You know what? Yeah, I am."

"That's great! But, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" He motioned me to come closer and I moved my ear to him.

"Next time, I want us to be more than friends."

"Best friends?" I turned to him only to find our faces inches from each other.

"You know what I mean." He said as he pinched my cheeks and left.

Oh great now how am I going to prevent myself from being caught by my mom that I was blushing?

"Are you serious about coming back?"


"And who's that boy? Your boyfriend?" She smirked at me.


....not yet."


AN: I present to you a happy Winkdeep os!

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