The Three of Us (I)

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'Nope, Marvel All.The.Way,' Seongwoo, proclaimed, with an air of fake haughtiness emphasising his point.

His twin sister scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder in disgust. 'You clearly have addled brains, DC is the best,' she defended.

'Are we even related?" he asked mockingly, flipping the options shown on the tv.

All of this fuss just to decide what movie they would choose to watch. Seongmin, who was vehemently against another one of Seongwoo's Marvel movies, kept insisting they watch Aquaman whereas Seongwoo was partial towards Infinity War, which admittedly, they had watched several times over per his request.

'You know, I think mom accidentally dropped you on the head once when we were babies,' Seongmin said matter-of-factly. 'That probably explains your terrible taste in movies and superheroes,'

This statement incited a giggle from the individual in the middle that was squished between the twins. With his puppy like smile that caused his eyes to disappear into half-moons in his face, he attempted to cover up the giggle that had leaked out.

'You know what?' Seongwoo, exasperated, threw his hands in the air, nearly flinging the remote out of the living room window. 'Let Daniel decide what we should watch,' he slumped back on the couch thrusting the remote onto Daniel's lap, confidently, knowing what the said man would choose.

Daniel, who was flustered by the sudden load of responsibility, picked up the remote slowly, as if carrying a grenade. Glancing at two of his best friends beside him, he hesitantly clicked the button of the remote, searching... searching... until he settled on...


'What in the world of?" Seongwoo spluttered as the beginning of the movie began to play, as Seongmin squealed in delight, leaping up from the couch, rushing to the kitchen to grab the popcorn.

'You lil piece of shit,' Seongwoo accused Daniel, glaring at him, bitterly disappointed by the betrayal of his closest friend.

'Well,' Seongmin burst in with the large bowl of popcorn, tossing the two boys their sodas. 'It's clear that Daniel has far better taste then you do little brother,' she smirked, crossing her legs, leaning back as Daniel blushed a bright red, wriggling slightly in his seat as she sat next to him.

'How many times do I have to tell you, we're 2 seconds apart in birth,' Seongwoo grumbled, still sending daggers to Daniel, who seemed completely oblivious. 'Traitor,' sending signals through his eyes at the innocent-looking man.

Refusing to let him off the hook, Seongwoo turned to Daniel and hissed in his ear.

'What happened to both of us liking Marvel??'

Daniel turned ever so slightly and whispered back.

'W-well, I changed my mind cause... Aquaman,' Daniel blurted out, as if it was a reasonable statement.

'That doesn't even make any sense? Since when did you like Aquaman??' Seongwoo replied in disbelief. As he was about interrogate and poke further at Daniel's sudden change of heart, he was pelted by kernels of popcorn, as his sister shushed him fiercely.

Having been sufficiently silenced by the popcorn, all three of them leaned back, Seongwoo disgruntledly to watch as the DC logo flashed on the screen, ever so glancing at Daniel with his peripheral vision.


'What do you want to watch?" Daniel asked.

'I don't know, what do you want to watch?' Seongwoo retorted, still going through the choices available.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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