나는......너무 행복해

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Jinyoung's POV

"Oppa! Try this fried rice! I made it myself!" She opened the lunchbox and revealed peas arranged into a heart on the rice. Disgusting.

"No oppa! Try mine! I made rice balls!" All the ajuhmma-looking girls surrounded me, blocking my way.

"Umm....I need to get there." I said as I pointed towards the cafeteria.

"Oh okay oppa, let's go together." The fries rice girl clung onto my arm and started dragging me.

"Can you please stop..." I panicked and my voice was too soft for her to hear.

I have something called Haphephobia. But mine is not that serious. I panic when someone touches me. It's just this fear I got after a trauma that I had experienced. And having this many fangirls were a huge problem for me.

"AHHHH LET GO OF ME!" I swept her hands off me, too hard which made her fall to the ground.

"Omg did you see that? How can he hurt a girl?"

"Didn't think he was so rude..." I could hear all the whispers around me.

Shit shit shit shit...You've messed up big time Jinyoung. Everyone is going to hate me after this, but.....isn't that what I wanted?

I don't deserve to be loved or to be happy.

But....someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the whispering crowd.

And I was liking his touch?


AN: This is short as hell because I didn't have time but you know what? Let's make this into a short series. There would probably be like 5 parts or smtg. Are y'all okay with this? Be ready! Just think of this as a prolouge ok?

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