나는......너무 행복해 (2)

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Jinyoung's POV

"Baejin! Are you okay?" The guy pulled me into an empty classroom.

"Eh? Ah......ah!" He jumped at my sudden response.

"H-how do you know my name?"

"We're classmates bruh....." I looked at his name tag.

'Park Jihoon'

"Ahh.....I know you. You're Park Jihoon!" His face remains the same, no reaction.

"I know that I have a name tag you idiot. All those fangirls out there are always blocking your sight, no wonder you don't know anyone else."

"Is that why you brought me here? Because of those girls?"

"You looked like you were calling for help and since there wasn't anyone you know, you freaked out."

"That wasn't why I freaked out...." I muttered softly.

"Huh? What did you say? Speaking of which, can you please let go of my hand?"

I looked down at our intertwined hands. I was gripping tightly onto his without even realising. Our skins were touching......WHAT?!

I quickly pulled away and looked at him weirdly. Why didn't I felt anything? Why did it felt so okay to touch him?

I dashed out of the classroom, leaving him behind.

"Wait! Jinyoung-ah!"

I can't believe it, how did this happen? It has been so many years since this happened. Normally when someone touches me, I would avoid that person a lot. But this feels different, why do I want to see him again? But not now, I gotta run for now.

To where?

I've been running straight and I just realised that I could bumped into my fangirls any second.

"Oh shit..." I quickly turned the opposite direction only to find Jihoon standing behind me.

"You left me...." Aww he looks so cute pouting.

"Why did you run away? Did I scare you?"

"Oh no.....I was exercising." He looked to fragile to break. I wanna protect him....but....I don't deserve it.

"All of a sudden?" I couldn't do it anymore, if I stay any longer I would be in deep trouble.

"Yes!" And I ran behind him.

Geez stop heart, it was because he's cute, not because I like him.

I admire his cuteness, yeah...

Jihoon's POV


When I saw him freaking out with those fangirls I got angry, how dare they treat my future husband like that?

Gahd.....I can't stop thinking about him.....am I lovesick? I want to go to school everyday just to see him...

I came to school today full of excitement. Ever since that small incident my mind has gone crazy. I went into our classroom and saw him sitting alone, looking out to the window.

Weird, no fangirls today. I placed my bag on my chair and stared at him. Wow. It looks like God had sculptured his jawline to make it the most perfect face. The nose that stood tall and upright, followed by the pinkish lips.

I walked up to him and greeted him.

"Good morning Jinyoung." He looked at me and jumped. He moved his body away from as if I was a dangerous monster.

"Can you....just ignore me and talk to your friends?" Ouch...

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that."


"I....I like you." His eyes widened in shock and he made an X sign with his arm.

"You can't like me."

"Why not?"

"Just don't."

"Well, whatever you say, I won't stop and I never will." I skipped back to my place as the teacher entered the classroom.

Imma fall for you deeper Bae Jinyoung. No matter what you say or what you are.

To be continued...

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